WOMAN!: if there's 1 for the men, there's gotta be 1 for women

:zombie: lol

ok forget the vampirefreaks thing :p

Thats so true. And he kinda look like you without the dirty sanchez

yeh :lol: ok... I can leg press 300+lbs, his legs look like they can barely support his own weight. and ftw, you guys are blind as shit :p hehe, I look notihng like him. Different hair, haircolor, face, body type, and FYI I don't wear faggy denim ensembles... geez :p
a friend...

jk.. I met him on VF, yes I have an account there.

Well, hm.... :rolleyes: as a friend you should tell him not to be buying muscle shirts when he has sissy stick arms like that. :lol: I bet he has a nice personality though, at least I hope so :erk: but from what little I know about VF, though I've never been, I find it highly unlikely he does.