WOMAN!: if there's 1 for the men, there's gotta be 1 for women

he was making a joke...

priests seem to have a tendency to like children, thus theyd go to playgrounds often...
but it's still hard to find good women that are single... and wanting to date or whatever. a lot of women just dont like dating or are too busy or some shit
I think most guys are cocksucking assholes, basically. I'm not one of them though, I mean, towards women, or irl. On this board I'm a pretty big dick at times. Same goes for girls, most girls are dumb whores without brains. It's hard for good single people to meet other good single people cause all the real good guys/girls are taken, and are so few and far between.

Luckily I don't have that problem but I empathize with the people who do.
I am not busy and I am single :lol:

and you also live like 9000km away from me :Smug:

I think I might have gotten lucky though. We'll see.


Joke explanation:
"finding decent girls is harder than a priest at a playground"

Finding decent girls is difficult(hard).

Priests are sexually attracted towards children.
So, when near them, they get erect(hard).

A playground has children.

Ergo, a playground makes a priest erect(hard)

And finding difficult girls is even harder than the said priest.
