WOMAN!: if there's 1 for the men, there's gotta be 1 for women

He may be a douche but I still think he's bangable.

In his prime he was hot. Come on... you know this era was the very definition of sex at the time.

This man will always be beautiful.

Hot German. Period.


He was a fox. You know if he (were alive and)posted here and wasn't "Chuck", he'd rank up there with Snowy and the other forum candy.

Adam Jones from Tool.

I've never understood the appeal of Till to be honest. Now if you were talking about Christoph Schneider that would be different....

Because I'm a bit of a a self confessed n00b I haven't worked out how to do the image thing but here's a small list of men who are fit as:

(Before I start, I know most of these guys are the typical Finnish long blonde hair type. What can I say? That's the type of bloke I like. Kinda strange for a Black girl but there you go...)

* Henkka Seppala is beyond gorgeous but I'm pretty sure he has more than enough girls telling him that.
* Underneath all the warpaint and fur Warlord Nygard (Turisas) is very good looking indeed.
*I admit it, Tuomas Holopainen is fit but I feel a little guilty actually saying it as most Tuomas fangirls are frankly a bit scary.
* There is something about Marko Paasakoski (Sonata Arctica)...
* Teemu from Wintersun is also very good looking.

I'm sure there's more that I haven't mentioned but that will do for now. As soon as I've sorted out the image thing, you shall have pictorial evidence!
^These are very hot men you picked out there, very. And i don't think any gal would disagree with that :D Well my attraction for Till normal, i like his voice.. very deep and manly, i like his body... very built up and strong, and i like his facial expressions :)
@Mima he does have a foxy voice, I'll give him that for sure. But then some of the guys I find attractive ...
To be honest I don't exactly have room to talk here!
Long hair is high on the list of my standards. I like to pull hair, and mine isn't down to my waist just for looks. I need hair to pull on that competes with mine.

I can't stand short hair.