WOMAN!: if there's 1 for the men, there's gotta be 1 for women

I'm going to treat you ladies to all your favorite men.

Because I have nothing else to do on a Saturday night.

First, for LR, no surprise, Daniel Erlandsson

Nikki... my love... I'll arrange Chris time just for you. :D
You girls are still in love with some really ugly motherfuckers...

In my humble opinion all the dudes Nikki posted need a total make-over and they need it quick!!
Well then... more D for me!
For Nikki:





For... any girls into guys with fabulous hair, at the least:






Who wants to see something really friggin weird?!?

Here ya go:
some chick asked me if i was bi today.. and im not. im wondering if i have a bi vibe. or if she thinks im hitting on her.
random shit.. im not offended. there just has to be reason for her to walk up to me and ask..:u-huh:
^Are you a girl? Maybe you were being really friendly and she missinterpreted it. Girls can pull off being bi and being cool at the same time, though; lot's of men are down with that.

But never, EVER date a bi guy.
some chick asked me if i was bi today.. and im not. im wondering if i have a bi vibe. or if she thinks im hitting on her.
random shit.. im not offended. there just has to be reason for her to walk up to me and ask..:u-huh:

Well.. Like cris said mabey she misinturpred u n thouhgt You were comeing on to her.. Or mabey she was And thought that You were sexy.. Who knows :)