WOMAN!: if there's 1 for the men, there's gotta be 1 for women

:lol: All the long haired 10 year old girl skinny fucking fags... I mean honestly. Would you feel safe walking down the street with one of these guys at night? Where is the security? What if someone insults you at a club, or a friend steals from you what is he gonna do? Offer a blowjob? What if you need to move, or yardwork needs to be done... these guys couldn't really do shit. Like fuck, it's so sad. :lol: You don't need a muscley meathead to feel safe either but a NORMAL man would suffice. For fuck's sakes it's kind of funny you girls are lusting after breastless chicks with dicks.
Teemu has muscles and looks like he works out regularly.

I wasn't just talking about him I've been looking for a few pages now, and yeah Teemu does have some definition... *fapfapfap*

@Joe: Stop trying to defend your unattractive race, fatass

wow, flame :lol: sorry <3!

I know I'm fat but I lost a lot of weight so far :lol: And besides a fat guy like me could kick your ass and fuck your girlfriend anytime we wanted so better start bulking up and till then kiss our huge asses!

Seriously, what's wrong with skinny guys ? I dont need a guy to protect me, I can handle that by myself, thank you.

Well, a guy could easily overpower you if they wanted to hurt you (not sexist, just fact), well, unless it's your stickfag boyfriend, so yeah you couldn't protect yourself in a 1 on 1 situation.

And don't tell me if some creepy guy was bugging you on the street, you would really want to have a fucking broomstick manchick there by your side? You can lie all you want but you know deep down if you were in trouble you'd go for a bigger guy to help, you wouldn't feel safe until then.

Not all skinny/small are are weak fags who can't fight, but a lot are. I just don't understand why a lot of you are obsessed with the stereotype long hair boy with a girl's body? Personality should be the main factor for ANYONE, man or s=women, sure we have a liking for certain body types but I don't what is the attraction for you girls.. I mean I AM ATTRACTED TO LONG HAIR SKINNY GIRLS SO BASICALLY PASTE SOME BOOBS ON TO THESE GUYS AND I MIGHT RAPE THEM. :lol:
I'm finding myself more attracted to guys with a little more meat on them, for cuddle purposes, and other needs.

This one comes to mind


This one's not bad either

and this one's not exactly pretty-boy material, but he's probably one of the nicest guys I know. Can get a little protective, but it's ok.
well I'm not even saying the body is what counts, look, im totally in love with a guy who is bigger than me and I really love him and want him and everything, I'm just saying I think skinny guys are hot.
Double Post-Fucked.

To Joe:

^I kind of agree with you, in a certain way.

But your arguments doesn't make it, actually... Anthropologically, those tastes doesn't make sense because those "skinny" guys shouldn't be "a good choice" for woman to pick them blah blah. That's true, but there's a shit load of other factor, I mean even subconsciously. I couldn't really tell them right now cause I don't know them, but the "if I'm attacked at night, there's a good chance that the attacker might be stronger that the person who's suppose to defend me" isn't the only factor taken in consideration. I think that it's the whole "cool look" that send a message of "happiness and well-going-in-life" to the brain, which make them a good choice as possible fathers. Just a theory like that, we are discussing.

Tho, I'm a skinny dude and I kind of get this offensively. I mean, that wouldn't be really smart from you to go see a girl that is going out with a "skinny" (as in non-muscled) guy and tell here "Wtf, why are going out with a guy that I could kick his ass?" if you get what I mean (I know you wouldn't and didn't do that). To kick ass or to get our ass kicked isn't really everything in life.

Ok, lets suppose we get on a fight, I'm 70% sure you would beat me. And? Well, it would hurt. And? Nothing really... I get something broken? Maybe, what's the big deal in that. I might die maybe? Ok... and? I don't think I'll be really sad after that. The probability that I get paralyze or disfigured in a fight are too low to be taken seriously in consideration so, yeah, you can kick my ass, and? This wouldn't prove me anything actually.

That's not an offensive or defesnive comment by the way, I know you didn't mean "HAHA I COULD KICK ALL YOUR ASS! SUCKERS!!".

And, muscles and force isn't anything in a "fight", there's other way to defend yourself.

I know you took this exemple to point out the "evolution problem" of finding a "skinny" guy attractive, but yeeeeeaaaaahhhhh anyway, I'm kind of bored and wanted to type so... :D

Not all skinny/small are are weak fags who can't fight, but a lot are. I just don't understand why a lot of you are obsessed with the stereotype long hair boy with a girl's body? Personality should be the main factor for ANYONE, man or s=women, sure we have a liking for certain body types but I don't what is the attraction for you girls.. I mean I AM ATTRACTED TO LONG HAIR SKINNY GIRLS SO BASICALLY PASTE SOME BOOBS ON TO THESE GUYS AND I MIGHT RAPE THEM. :lol:

well, from the example I gave about a skinny guy sitting in his room playing guitar all day vs. a buff guy working out in the gym all day, you can tell it IS all about personality. well, maybe not ALL. I mean, I wouldn't really be attracted to a really fat kid who sits in his room playing guitar, but this example differentiates between types of guys. If you are a superficial gal, then you would probably like the superficial boys. If you're a girl who's really into music or plays an instrument herself, then you would probably like the former.

Someone's appearance says a lot about their values. Therefore, looks DO tell about personality also.
But we all know girls dont really take care of guys phisical appearance but more about what he represents : money (for some), passionate about something (like music, sports car, motorbikes etc...), smart, funny, self-confidence, respected etc... We need someone we can admire.
^By the way, we once had a thread about what do you like in man.. it was fun.

:lol: All the long haired 10 year old girl skinny fucking fags... I mean honestly. Would you feel safe walking down the street with one of these guys at night? Where is the security? What if someone insults you at a club, or a friend steals from you what is he gonna do? Offer a blowjob? What if you need to move, or yardwork needs to be done... these guys couldn't really do shit. Like fuck, it's so sad. :lol: You don't need a muscley meathead to feel safe either but a NORMAL man would suffice. For fuck's sakes it's kind of funny you girls are lusting after breastless chicks with dicks.

:lol::lol:This man reads my mind and is my hero :oops: No seriously i totally agree with him, and i know that i'm capable of taking care of myself but not at all circumstances. Besides what's wrong with men with some meat on? :lol:

Nikki: Is that Martin? My god i love him :worship:
"Personality being the main point for everyone" is a wonderful, happy, pretty, fun fun fun idea. But this isn't dreamland, that's bullshit. Learn some Psychology, the first and most important factor in attraction is physical attractiveness, think about it. If someone isn't physically attractive to you, you're not going to make any efforts to get in their pants are you?
What kind of a man has his forename as a plural? It's fucking "George" fuck "Georges".

There is an example of a moment where I disaree with you (most of the time, in fact, I do agree with you) and that you are acting in a really stupid way. Not to start a flame war, I don't really care, but I'm just pointing it out :p

But yeah, he's true about the personality being a bullshit in attractiveness thingy. But don't forget that the personality is taken in consideration when the "by who would I want my child to be raised by" enters in a relation, subconciously. So yeah, it's possible to "love" someone by his personnality, even if you wasn't really attracted by him at first, but never it will take the lead over the apparence.