WOMAN!: if there's 1 for the men, there's gotta be 1 for women

Money? Personal achievement? Getting a job without boss, colleagues, with full liberty and TENURE? :p

EDIT: Oh, and forgot to mention, full salary upon retirement!

Anyway, the point was the brain thing :p
Don't you watch House? There have been at least 4 episodes of someone barely dying because of neurosyphilis :loco:

Besides, loads of fat actors :p

EDIT: no pun intended.
There is no reason to not have both a PhD and a physically fit body. The both do the same thing to brain, if you can have a muscular lean body, wouldn't you think you could do anything? It's a way of life to not drink alcohol or eat bad food, just like sticking to studying you need to commit to be great. A real man is jacked AND he's smart. That's why i'm ALS and that is why i am jacked, more over because lifting FAT PEOPLE up on a stretcher can be difficult if you're a weak little girl man.
Look up Dr. John Marshall. He's a resident physician, he also does a 'success story' for hy droxycut Hardcore in one of their commercials. He graduated from MidWestern.
good luck being stuck into a 2x2 office the whole goddam day as a job

You don't know much about the job of a researcher/professor, do you?

Look up Dr. John Marshall. He's a resident physician, he also does a 'success story' for hy droxycut Hardcore in one of their commercials. He graduated from MidWestern.

Couldn't find him. He IS PhD, though, right? MDs don't count :p