WOMAN!: if there's 1 for the men, there's gotta be 1 for women

Well, South American countries are all pretty damn conservative, with a generally steadfast view in guys needing to fit the a-typical machismo norm.

Which generally means guys looking effeminate in any way leads to confusion and ridicule.

I don't mean this in an insulting manner, it's just the way it is. Difference in cultures.
I see :) I haven't seen it that way, because girls in here usually like that men look like men, that's why it find it weird that girls here like men that look like women, maybe it's because of the cultural differences.
<--- Cutest boys ever.
Man, that's an AMAZING shot... I mean, photographically. Excellent framing, both of the picture AND the subject, interesting contrast in colours... seems a bit photoshopped, but it's ok.
If someone here is going to be ridiculous enough to start talking about Freud they should at least spell "Oedipus Complex" right.
If someone here is going to be ridiculous enough to start talking about Freud they should at least spell "Oedipus Complex" right.

And define it correctly.

The Oedipus Complex is the son's subconscious and repressed sexual desire of the mother, in terms of surpassing and replacing the father, named as per the old Greek tragedy "Oedipus Rex" which was written by Sophocles.
Well yeah but in terms of Freud the Oedipus Complex is part of his theory of Personality Development, the son lusts after the mother and so hates his father, the son feels guilty and conflicted so to resolve this he identifies with his father and by doing that develops his super-ego. Which Freud says is why males have a more authoritarian personality.

But hey Freud is bullshit, all of his "research" was done on a singular participant in Freuds room in Vienna, hardly very globally representative is it.