Women of metal should not dress like whores!!!


Holy shit.
Aug 27, 2002
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That's right this is how metal chicks should dress like. Not like some $2 for a blowjob $5 for a fuck whores... Did somebody say Angela? Wha...? Nah, I must be hearing things.



Come on, it's not too hard to not have everything showing... Well of course, Rachel up there doesn't have TEH body but she could still dress in some skimply clothing and look much more attractive. However that detracts from the musical experience, you want people to come to hear you for the great music you play not cause you have some cheap sex bomb fronting your band. Get real and cover the fuck up or quit if that's the only way you can survive in the music business.

Disclaimer: This is in no way directed towards one person only so think before you flame. Thank you.
you sound like an uptight bible thumper

oh my god she is showing skin, cover those ankles

it figures you would be a fashion critic you homo

really thoughh I have never seen pictures of angela where she was dressed all scandalously

I have never seen a cleavage shot or anything
she'll show belly....as if thats so horrible...

who gives a fuck anyway....

you're not listening to their music cuz she may or may not be attractive..........that would just be a perk of seeing them live (if they are hot)
Maelstrom: Yeah, not for that. Thanks. Haha. I'll find women outside of metal. A series of photos was taken of you to promote the new Arch Enemy album portraying you in various sexually suggestive poses. Why do you think it was necessary to try to sell yourself using a sexual angle?

Angela Gossow: Because I'm sexual.

Maelstrom: I mean, you don't see pictures of Mike Amott in his undies.

Angela Gossow: These are my clothes. I wear them outside, too. I like short shorts. I like high boots. I work out a lot. Why should I hide this body I'm working for?

Maelstrom: I think (the pictures) will sell records.

Angela Gossow: Yeah, I mean, anything that will help.

Maelstrom: I think that's what it's there for. Guys will say, "Wow! She's hot!" and buy the record.

Angela Gossow: But who's actually buying the record to get a good picture? You can just download it, then. I don't believe people buy a record just because the singer is good looking. I would never do this. If someone is so stupid, it's his own fault.

Maelstrom: I mean, Angela, pop music is based entirely on sex appeal.

Angela Gossow: Yeah, but (pop music fans) aren't fans; they just eat what they get. I think the metal music fan is very picky about what he is playing in his stereo. I mean, I am. Totally. I like some Britney Spears songs, for example, but it's not because of her looks. I think she has a good producer who knows what people want. But really good pop music is not all about looks.

Maelstrom: There's a big difference between the way the female vocalist of Sinister portrayed herself and how you did.

Angela Gossow: Yeah. She's like in a big, black t-shirt and she looks like a guy.

Maelstrom: I think she's pretty, but the way she came across is a lot different.

Angela Gossow: I know, but Sinister (hahaha they're everywhere!) is a different band. They play very brutal death metal and they all look like this. Look at the Arch Enemy guys. Their pants are tighter than mine on stage. Their shirts are tighter. This band is a bit more rock and roll, so we care more about looks.


Right, so basically if dressing up like Britney Spears and jacking off with a dildo onstage would help sell lotsa Arch Enemy records, she'd do that cause you know "it's all about the band, we gotta whore around to sell records", how come you can't sell that many records just with your music?
And yeah, Arch Enemy is more rock and roll really, so everything should be about the tight pants, and the way they look, and the see-through tops and the red bras... right, that's basically the definition of pop thanks Angela you cleared up things.
Hey man, that's the least of your worries... If you just close your eyes when you're in bed with her so you won't see her face and let your hands do the seeing it's all good cause she does have TEH body.
don't get your panties up in a bunch

you have to realize to be a big band you do need to have stage presence and appearance. this isnt saying that the music can be lacking though. I think arch enemy realize this as they are huge in Japan

that reviewer should do some research though. michael amott has done some scandalous things before look at this


look at that hole in the crotch

that is it I am no longer a AE fan. all they care about is sex
fuck this why does it cut the address

use the one in the first post but take out the
That's alright man, I figured it out from the first post...

The thing is, I don't think the hole there was intentional... he probably tried to do some of those gay Maidenish stunts and seeing how his pants are so tight... eh he had an accident... Still I wouldn't wanna be him up onstage looking like that. But then again, maybe he was just trying to get a girl to blow him onstage like that Motorhead dude right?
of course it was not intentional, at least I hope not

jesus you look at things way to serious

not the sharpest tack in the box


yuou are one sick fucker

good theory though really
Originally posted by the one who knows
I think arch enemy realize this as they are huge in Japan
dude...fucking night ranger is still big in japan! :lol: :lol:

this is the way of the world, females enticing males, its part of the natural order of things. check out how the alluring female prairie chicken flashes some thigh at this male:

just be glad we aren't driven by scent pheromones like some animals.
The big laugh will be when women in metal start singing like whores. LOL

About the dildos thing that Guerilla mentioned, i think that (to me at least) nobody should use a microphone cause it really looks like a dildo and imagine warrel when he has to bring the dild... oups microphone closer to his mouth to sing battle angels (in the old good times of course :cry: ). Regardless of the clothing and if you put just a stroke of imagination you might think that he is blowing the microphone and likes it. LOL Same to everyone else who uses microphones.
From Manowar to CoB :rolleyes: LOOL