Woods of Ypres moves to UM

I still feel a little uneasy about the album. It's solid but I miss a darker atmosphere. Anyone could tell whether the demo reedition is worth getting? Any noticeable alteration from the original?
Yes, it is worth buying if you dont have the original demo or are a completist. It is remastered, and personally I think it sounds great.
I really need to get the re-release. It does sound great, so does the original, but different enough to warrant a fanboy owning both.

I've gone through love/hate/blah phases with the album but it's definitely nowhere near the quality of the demo. High hopes for the next one.
Demilich said:
I've gone through love/hate/blah phases with the album but it's definitely nowhere near the quality of the demo. High hopes for the next one.


Honestly I think they peaked out with their demo. The new album is 7.2/10 at BEST, and I also predict that the new album will be trash. I hope I'm wrong.
the song they played live, "Your Ontario Town Is A Burial Ground" is definitely a move in a more poppy direction, but Dave says the cd will be pretty varied as a whole. I just hope it doesn't come off sounding like 15 tracks in different styles pieced together.
MFJ said:
and I also predict that the new album will be trash.

How so? I thought it was supposed to be a return to the grim wintry grimness... Whatever, we have October Falls in the pipeline!

[EDIT] and Noltem, selbstverständlich...
Ellestin said:
How so? I thought it was supposed to be a return to the grim wintry grimness... Whatever, we have October Falls in the pipeline!

Exactly. If Summoning/Negura Bunget/Vintersorg/etc. are coming out with new albums this year, plus this whole October Falls thing, I don't think I'll need to bother with WoY. That new song (which I heard from a Equinox bootleg) was not very good at all. If it's anything like Pursuit of the Sun, I will simply not be interested.

Also: Vintersorg did claim that his new album will be the most "cultural" one of the past years, so I'm getting pretty goddamn excited. Also- new Borknagar? Indeed. This is going to be a good year.
MFJ said:
Also: Vintersorg did claim that his new album will be the most "cultural" one of the past years, .

uh, FUCK YEAH! :kickass:

About Woods calling this a "return to form" after the "experimentation" of the last album: It's all well and good to claim something like that, but its fallen on its face with so many bands in the past that I can't see it working here. Come on, how many bands are able to succesfully recapture the kind of style they have been consciously moving away from for the past 2+ years? Dave's a fine musician and a good guy, so I'm inclined to hope the album fucking smokes, but I also worry that what we might get is some over-polished, Sentenced-infused Opeth-lite-with-black-metal-sections.

I really do support the guy 100%, that just doesn't stop me from being realistic about his band's output.
Demilich said:
Dave's a fine musician and a good guy, so I'm inclined to hope the album fucking smokes, but I also worry that what we might get is some over-polished, Sentenced-infused Opeth-lite-with-black-metal-sections.

I really do support the guy 100%, that just doesn't stop me from being realistic about his band's output.

Totallly. If he DOES read this, I'd like to make it clear that I'm not totally bashing the band. I simply cannot see myself enjoying the next album unless it's something really unique and great. As for "over-polished, Sentenced-infused Opeth-lite-with-black-metal-sections", that's pretty much what I'm expecting, only with a lame Katatonia influence. :)

As I said, I hope I'm totally wrong and that this album will be awesome.
He himself has said he was a very different person, and at a very differnet time in his life when he wrote those songs as well. Still I think its unfair to say that he will never release anything that will surpass the demo. I actually have really high hopes for the new album, I hope im not dissapointed. And I still really like the full length more than most it seems. Probably still 7.5 to 8/10 for me.
i need to hear the demo really badly

i like the album ok but if the next one is any more sentenced-meets-opeth-lite-etc-etc (read: any less grimm) i probably will be rather dissatisfied
Sucks that the new song isn't very good.

That whole ATS/Pale Folklore kind of style is without doubt my favourite style of music.