
siderea said:
is that the one you needed our help for?
nah that ^ is my art project, i'll keep you posted (excuse the pun) on that one!!!
this was a mock RS exam that i was terrified of failing, because, between you me and the gatepost, my new substitute teacher is a bit shit like when it comes to religion, knows her stuff when we do the philosophy side of the paper but as an atheist i dont think she takes the religion part of the course that seriously...she insists on calling Christians 'Xians' and uses her fingers as quotation signs when talking about god....hahah cracks me up a bit that does but it was less funny the night before the exam if ya get me!
blackeyed said:
nah that ^ is my art project, i'll keep you posted (excuse the pun) on that one!!!
this was a mock RS exam that i was terrified of failing, because, between you me and the gatepost, my new substitute teacher is a bit shit like when it comes to religion, knows her stuff when we do the philosophy side of the paper but as an atheist i dont think she takes the religion part of the course that seriously...she insists on calling Christians 'Xians' and uses her fingers as quotation signs when talking about god....hahah cracks me up a bit that does but it was less funny the night before the exam if ya get me!
Does she call black ppl my pals?? :err:
i dont think its quite that bad bambi.....after all the very point of holding a view such as atheism is to believe that you are right and that theists are wrong....she cant do the whole 'god exists for you but doesnt exist for me' crap otherwise she wouldnt be an atheist now would she...she be an agnostic....i think - ill check my termo later
what if you believe blacks are inferior tho?? is it alright to say my pals?

pc liberal hypocrisy behaviour expected from a uni lecturer, alll third level institutes should be bombed by f-11s. unless the buildings are of historic importance then they can just have their occupants wiped out by shock troops, maybe organise a protest to save the gay, ethnic lesser spotted iraqi water vowel and when hordes of students assemble spary em with machine gun fire from helicopters
errr..... yeah Im gonna avoid this conversation entirely cos I have no idea what the hell you two are talking about and just say

Woop to you my friend WWWOOOOOP and yeah well done!!
"people" using these "quoting" "marks" in "daily" "life" should be LAUGHED at "manically"
or "imitated" by using the quoting mark "sign" in other "positions" such as

"above the head" (i'm a "cute" bunny, aint I)
"stretched arms, hands doing sign towards own "body"" (come to me cute "bunny")
"stretched arms wide open, sign towards own "body"" (i'm the "cool" bunny, give it to me)
"stretched arms, hands doing sign towards other body owner" (i wanna scratch your "bunny")

bombing your "teacher" might be equally "effective" though

(if it didn't make sense now, just try out whilst conversating)
(if still not, dont bother)
well if we bomb her she'll get to see if god needs " " marks after all...just before she descends down to hell as a result of her heretical athiestic lifestyle. *ironic*
blackeyed said:
wooooo i just scored an A on my Religious Studies paper

- stick that in yer pipe and smoke it you whacked out Cambridge Dons :headbang:
Nice one! What were the reasons for you not getting into Cambridge then? Is that about grades and luck (lotery) or also about attitude?
Alwin said:
Nice one! What were the reasons for you not getting into Cambridge then? Is that about grades and luck (lotery) or also about attitude?
they wouldnt give me any feed back on my interview but i have the feeling that it was largely bout attitude. my grades are As and i had a conditional offer made from Kings College London based souly on my reference, i think it was when they spoke to me that they made their decision. i was just myself and i think it was clear to me before i found out their decision that Cambridge was not the place for me. i said to my friend who travelled down with me, that even if i did get accepted i dont think id go through with it. i dont think talking about art for half the interview helped much either.
ive just had a denial thing ove rthe last few years. i fixed myself theology because not only does it interest me a fair bit (as you all probably have noticed ;) ) but i loved the responses i got off people. kinda a dumb reason, but its always been important to me that people think im intelligent. that may stem back to the schooli went to, it was a private one were they basically chucked you out if you were shit. so cambridge and theology seemed like my natural choice. but now ive learned alot more about myself and i know that art is where im supposed to be, its what im supposed to doing with myself. my love and albility in art was far too much to sacrifice for teh sake of people thinking 'ooo shes clever..' infact it would have been a perfect illustratioin of how stupid i would have been!!!