
Achernar said:
He does quite an exquisite imitation of the Italian Mafia as i've seen him doing live so you should give him a chance if he tries hitting on you. I heard those mafia guys were charming and respectful with women.

It's not a matter of respect but of size, you know, I pretty much respect him and his tool, still (steele)...

I must think I'm hopeless, just think about poor Johnny Depp also driven away, ehh.
So this is what makes all the difference, I thought I've made that rather clear.

FFS, don't pretend you don't understand, "when I fuck her", even if I have casual sex with someone, I should show a minimum amount of respect not to talk about her this way. Everyone knows (even Peter Steele) that I and Peter Steele will never gonna have sex with each other.
Dhatura said:
So this is what makes all the difference, I thought I've made that rather clear.

FFS, don't pretend you don't understand, "when I fuck her", even if I have casual sex with someone, I should show a minimum amount of respect not to talk about her this way. Everyone knows (even Peter Steele) that I and Peter Steele will never gonna have sex with each other.

Strangelight said:
Im sorry. I hope you accept my unequivordial rainbow of narcissistic sorryness :oops:



Fuckin brilliant
blackeyed said:
ive just had a denial thing ove rthe last few years. i fixed myself theology because not only does it interest me a fair bit (as you all probably have noticed ;) ) but i loved the responses i got off people. kinda a dumb reason, but its always been important to me that people think im intelligent. that may stem back to the schooli went to, it was a private one were they basically chucked you out if you were shit. so cambridge and theology seemed like my natural choice. but now ive learned alot more about myself and i know that art is where im supposed to be, its what im supposed to doing with myself. my love and albility in art was far too much to sacrifice for teh sake of people thinking 'ooo shes clever..' infact it would have been a perfect illustratioin of how stupid i would have been!!!
Way to go Claire! Stay true to yourself and base your choices upon that. What other ppl say is just how they see you. You know (or can discover) who you are.
Alwin said:
Way to go Claire! Stay true to yourself and base your choices upon that. What other ppl say is just how they see you. You know (or can discover) who you are.
i know!! :D just dreading explaining myself to my old RS teacher who is coming back from Oxford on monday. hes the one who was pushing me for cambridge, hes been gone for a while....his answer to me fat REJECTION was - try again....which is a fair point but i dont want it enough to try again, so balls to him and failed life lived through me (he also applied at my age and got tolg to go home) ah well onwards and upwards and that! :lol: