World Of Warcraft

I recently got re-interested. I've had my account active since the game went live, but with varying degrees of interest in playing. I used to raid a lot, but just got tired of the endless wiping and being stuck to the computer for 3 hours straight.

Though recently I've gotten into PvPing and have begun playing more. The fact that the 3.2 patch notes make Affliction somewhat more viable in PvP certainly is nice!
Took somewhat of a hiatus when Fallout 3 came out. Beat Fallout 3, uninstalled it, did some flight-simming for a while, re-installed FO3, beat it again, exploring everything and then just now got back to WoW. Now that you can change faction I changed my Human Lock to an Undead Lock with my Horde guild and enjoy it much better now.

I haven't played it religiously like I did for the first six months in years, though. It does get rather repetetive when you get to 80, and dailies are like stabbing my eyes out. It's basically a time waster now, like Solitaire.

Still addicted to flight sims, though.
Old thread is old, but I have a level 90 warrior on Silvermoon server horde side. Hit me up. Name is Daggen, I run a guild called Impurity. I forgot my battle tag or I would post it. :-/
I play a bit, I have a 90 warlock on Skywall-US, but I'm transferring to Stormrage soon.

I'm starting to get bored with the game though, I don't have time for raiding and the current xpac is a daily filled bore fest. PvP is the only thing holding me in atm.