World Perspectives

I live in Mexico, even though I am a metalhead I wear one of those big hats everybody knows when I go outside my house, we don't have many cars in here, mostly american cars from the sixties but most people travel on foot for 15km< distances and donkeys to go to other towns, we eat tortillas and tacos, and most mexican males look like Pancho Villa.
ohhhh thanatos beat me to it :(

i live in mexico, that country south of you. you have probably heard about us before and seen the false mexico hollywood shows.

its true the country is very poor. there is lots of corruption and drugs from Colombia etc pass through us to get to the US.

we have had civilization like 800 b.c. there were maya toltec and other civilizations but the most famous one is the aztecs. the spanish came and took over, most mexicans now are a mix of spanish/indians.

we have a very laid back culture and people here are usually very relaxed. we like parties and any excuse to get drunk. the music sucks but lately we at least have had some good concerts.

most people here are fanatically religious (catholic), mixing it with lots of superstitions.

we have a "democracy" but had the same politic party in charge for 70 years. in the last elections, someone from a different party won.
im very much against the war and im really proud of Mexico for not supporting it, even if we were bullied and pressured by the US. we were also on the security council in the UN and were going to vote against it.
may I add that most mexican men carry their guns around, so if you ever visit the country don't play the macho because they'll probably challenge you to a duel and kill you.
thank you Thanatos, I almost forgot about that.
and we mexican women like are submissive and like to be mistreated by men :loco:
Northern Lights said:
Umm well... :D Sweden is one of the countries that make up the Scandinavian peninsula (the other would be Norway). It's a democracy and monarchy (although I think it's time we laid this whole thing with royal families to rest but that's just me), and is run by the social democratic party at the moment (all hail Göran Persson :rolleyes: ).

The two Swedish princesses are quite a catch! :)
Thanx both of you (thanatos and violet). I was waiting that sb started the description of Mexico.
We got both sides, Violet's accurate description and the one of thanatos, sadly.

But, we are very warm as well, and we like strangers. When I was reading about Finland (thanx very much Ormir), I found out that we are a little bit too different! We can talk to everyone, and most people can start a conversation while waiting in the bank, or in the bus. This won't happen if you look odd, cranky or morose, we are full of prejudices.

Our president is a moron, fortunately the people showed that we are against war, so Mexico had to vote against the war (in the last moment, btw). We have almost always had stupid presidents, so we end up with a terrible dependence to the US. After Octavio Paz (one of our Nobels,witty and clever writer) we are dependent 'till Spain conquer us, this great shock causes that feeling of inferiority we aren't able to get rid of.

We have nice weather almost all the year: warm and windy (center), or hot and dry (north), or hot and damp (south), and lots of beaches. Lot of people like the winter weather, though, not so cold that we freeze, but cold, sometimes the heat is unbearable.
Oh, may i add about Greece, that we are famous for our hospitality (esp some years ago, i hope it hasn't changed since then..), some products of ours (like feta, ouzo, tzatziki etc ;)) and for using cellular phones a lot.
@Siren: i once had something called a Souvlaki, and loved it
other than that, never had greek food
@Violet: Oh, souvlaki too, with gyros, now i'm hungry. :Spin:

And allow me to add that our olive oil roxxorz your soxxorz! :loco:

Siren (endless)
Miolo said:

another greek thing that i love is moussaka. (i hope it's written correctly) :hotjump:

(you could write it "mousaka" as well. :))
My mom is an expert at making it...
As soon as i learn how to cook it too, you're all invited here! ;) :hotjump:

Siren (is this thread turning to another food thread, or is it just my idea? :p)
Arch said:
The two Swedish princesses are quite a catch! :)
Yes, since they originate from Napoleon's ex-girlfriend (I'm pretty sure?), they're not quite as inbred as the rest of the royal families of the world, you have to give them credit for that...
They're not of much use to me though. I'd be better off trying to get my greedy hands on the prince instead, but sadly we don't move in the same social circle... :p :D
@NL: if i remember correctly, some nordic prince (was it your prince or norway's?) made the headlines for marrying a reformed junkie...
@hyena: that's correct, it was norway's prince... I actually watched that wedding on tv :oops: it was sort of sweet... but interesting choice for a future queen
:guh: i saw this thread only now
things about italy have already been said, i'd just add that i love food here :p this is almost the only thing i like of italy, art is the other
i hate weather too, it's simply too hot (and humid in this region), today i'm sure it was more than 25°C :bah: