Worst album cover ever?

(NOTE: spot the Savatage dude in there)

ok I see nothing wrong with the Secret Sphere or the Heavenly album covers, 2 hotties can make just about make anything cool.

as for as lame covers go, i always thought this was so lame.

The concept isn't bad, but the execution is. The coloring is just way off and inconsistent, both with the central woman, and the fonts.
I don't like it. But then again, I'm not the fan base WT cares about. They are now all about commercial success, so they don't care for people like me who think their first couple of albums are their best.
Yes, two fake looking unattractive 80's cartoon pornstars with comically large breasts getting ready to make out is a horrible album cover.

Fucking agreed, man. It's badly drawn and obviously made to appeal to stereotypical neckbearded must-point-out-at-any-opportunity-how-much-I-like-breasts-otherwise-people-may-think-I'm-not-a-real-man metalheads. I liked most of Derek Gores' Kamelot covers, but that was a real low.
Yes, two fake looking unattractive 80's cartoon pornstars with comically large breasts getting ready to make out is a horrible album cover.

Dude, I agree with you that's a pretty awful artwork... but your comment regarding the "comically large breasts" got me wondering... They're NOT that out of proportion or that exaggerated... :lol: You sure you know a lot about breasts? :D