Worst Day Ever

Soul of Ice

Rusted Angel
Jul 29, 2002
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...working that is.

Today was possibly my worst day I have ever worked in my life.

Starts off bad - I wake up 9 am to get ready for work which I think is at 10:30. At 9:50 I realize its Sunday and I start at 10 am. So I gather all my things I need and am out the door by 9:51. I dont drive to work, I usually bike it and it is around 2.25 miles from my house so its no biggy. I am flying down the roads and manage to get there right at 10 am to sign in on time. 2.25 miles in under 9 minutes, not bad hehe.

The day goes by mostly without hitch until 2pm when i have to sit by the concession stand and prevent people from leaving the area with food (not allowed on the pool deck). I sit out there for 2.5 hours with only the shade of an umbrella on a very hot and sunny day. I am also very fare, needless to say i would have burned very badly had i not applied sunscreen twice, but I still got a wicked wicked farmers tan.

While I am working this shift, I hear that an accident happened in the park and an ambulance needed to come in where I was so i had to shuffle all these people out of the way. It happens that one of our employees was driving a truck and hit a kid that was riding on his bike! We expect to be sued so most likely people could be fired or pay cuts will occur.

When I get back from sitting at the stand I check out the bathrooms and find the lovely surprise of food and puke all over the bathroom. one person filled the sink with what I think is rice in the image of a smiley face. Who had to clean that up you ask? I did *grumble grumble*

Next I was closing up the place and closing all the doors that people should not go through. I am closing this one sliding door and this kid decides to stick his hand in its path and i accidently close it without realizing it until i look down why the door isnt closing and i see a little hand in there! I immediately open and this kid is screaming. I felt so bad but what could I do?

But I will look on the bright side, at least I wasnt stabbed. Today was also the Arabic festival in my park and last year two guys got into an argument and one slit the others tongue with a knife. So I regard myself lucky in that sense that I was never put into any real danger today.

I know its off topic, but I just thought this was too incredible to keep to myself
I hope the kid on the bike is OK and I'm glad you didn't get your tongue stabbed. Man, that really gets me. How did they slice somebody's TONGUE??? That's extreme cruelty. :loco:

Have a drink and listen to some Pink Floyd.
He's back, Whoopie!
And Tommorrow is athletics day, so, I'm not very happy either. But your day sounds worse, Sorrey 'bout that
Damn, that's one bitch of a day.

I remember working at a community centre and having a guy come in who got stabbed in the chest with scissers by his girlfriend during a row. He was pretty cool about it himself, asked me if I could call him a taxi....lol! I called an ambulance instead. Next I was called to clean a toilet which was left 'fouled' by a senior citizen, with the shit smeared up to the tile wall....yep, that was a corker too.... o_O
These bathroom stories remind me of when I worked at a grocery store. Because I was a newbie bagger, I got all the crap jobs like collect the garbage and clean the bathrooms. One time one of the tiolets was clogged, and in my attemt to unclog it, the entire bathroom began to flood, either over flowing from the toilets or coming up from the grate in the floor. It was soooo gross. I do think puke would be worse though.
I worked as a bus boy in a restaurant years ago and some little kid puked all over the table. My boss comes and asks me to clean it up. I was so thankful that the kids mom took the paper towels from me and did it herself. I stillhad to carry the bin with the puke in it into the kitchen though. Even breathing through my mouth it was tough! Ughh!
Hehe, well, I'm not at school today so i miss out the Athletics. But thats for a good reason, last night we had sushi and There must of been something in it! I felt something coming up so I ran out of the restaurant. While i was running to the bathroom through the park, I couldn't hold it in any longer! It all came up in a instant and i couldn't hold it in. So it's all over the park footpath a few meters in fromt of the toilets. And when I woke up today I puked up again, so i'm staying home. Unfortunatly , the athletics day is two days so I still have to do the 100 meters tommorrow... Err. I feel terrible
Talking about puke...some months ago when our dog was a little puppy, we brought him to the animal doctor to give him an injection to some diseases. He had to get one once a months or so. Anyway, when we went back I hold our puppy in my arms. Then he started to make some silly moves...and pukes all over me, omg! :yuk: Really, there was puke all over me and it smelled and it was warm ewww. I was sp pissed off. And if it wasn't bad enough, he puked again!
Hmm but he can't help it, it was just a little puppy :Smug:
SilentRealm said:
Thats something that always baffled me.. how the fuck do they get it UP the wall??????????????????

I think it has something to do with the 'Wipe' attempting to wiping their ass while standing up, not seeing what they're doing back there, otherwise I really wouldn't know...or perhaps it's projectile farting or someting

Anyway, when I got home from vacation last week, my cat had left me something by way of a greeting, on the bed... I think it was puke, because she hasn't shit that much in all of her life....hello kitty! :erk: :ill: o_O :loco:
Alright, pet stories! I used to have a cat, and since my mom has a lot of house plants, my cat would like to sample a little off of one in particular. Unfortunately, it always made him sick. If I was home, I could always tell when he was ready to barf and would try to carry him to the litter box...most of the time no one would be home and we'd find land mines throughout the house...