Worst Metal Site Is? Metal Rules!

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Metal Defender
Apr 6, 2006
Metal-Rules is the worst site hands down. Not about the freedom metal is supposed to allow at all! Very false!

Plus they have a bitchy control freak mod who is not even listed in the staff directory. Morrigan! Make sure to kiss her ass, or there will be troubles no matter how many friends you have at the site.

Oh and make sure to let her insult you and don't say anything back in defense. It makes her feel superior.

Best sites? Ultimate Metal of course!! HaiMetal!! CRF2.com (classic rock..has Metal and an opened mind)

Hey Metal-Rules YOU SUCK!

I like the layout of Ultimate metal quite a bit, and the reviews, though they don't come in "thick and fast" are of a high quality. THe interviews are also pretty well done. The message board here is generally well natured, but tailored towards a more underground/classic audience than mainstream stuff. That's ok for, since I prefer that music generally, but it can be a bit offputting for the Slipknot/Trivium crowd when they first post.

Other metal sites I enjoy are:

www.live4metal.com (but I'm biased)
www.metalsludge.com (I know, but the interviews are frequently hilarious)
www.blabbermouth.net (news and inane comments)
Spectacular Views said:
jesus fucking christ who gives a shit

Not saying you have to give a shit. Just voicing an opinion on a crappy site. Hell it only makes UltimateMetal stronger to have another supporter.

Now if I was dissin' this site I could see you being pissed off. I just wanted to see if others found Metal-Rules to be as equally unpleasent and filled with assholes.

This site rocks! Everyone here rocks so far IMO!

But don't take it too seriously. It's not consuming my life (even though it's true that I hate them) It's a topic. Not a life changing thing. There are NO topics at any forum site that are "Important" in nature really. Just let loose and have FUN!
Not saying you have to give a shit. Just voicing an opinion on a crappy site. Hell it only makes UltimateMetal stronger to have another supporter.

Now if I was dissin' this site I could see you being pissed off. I just wanted to see if others found Metal-Rules to be as equally unpleasent and filled with assholes.

This site rocks! Everyone here rocks so far IMO!

But don't take it too seriously. It's not consuming my life (even though it's true that I hate them) It's a topic. Not a life changing thing. There are NO topics at any forum site that are "Important" in nature really. Just let loose and have FUN!

You have to meet Metal Paddy. I think you may be cousins...
Metal-Rules is the worst site hands down. Not about the freedom metal is supposed to allow at all! Very false!

Plus they have a bitchy control freak mod who is not even listed in the staff directory. Morrigan! Make sure to kiss her ass, or there will be troubles no matter how many friends you have at the site.

Oh and make sure to let her insult you and don't say anything back in defense. It makes her feel superior.

Best sites? Ultimate Metal of course!! HaiMetal!! CRF2.com (classic rock..has Metal and an opened mind)

Hey Metal-Rules YOU SUCK!
this metal rule is not to good they banned paddy for asking about METALLICA who is that ICED RAY dude he is lucky paddy did not fly Yes this is the best place to be ULTIMATE METAL rules paddy thinks everyone in here is the best :kickass: :Smokin:
Spectacular Views said:
jesus fucking christ who gives a shit
yo mister paddy says let the man talk or paddy will fly:kickass: :Smokin: because paddy gives ashit :Smokin: HEY GUYS DO YOU THINK PADDY WOULD MAKE A GOOD MOD I COULD DO SOME FLYING INTO PEOPLE AND MY CATCH PHASE WOULD BE:kickass: LISTEN: MISTER I AM RUNNING THE SHOW:kickass:
metal paddy said:
this metal rule is not to good they banned paddy for asking about METALLICA who is that ICED RAY dude he is lucky paddy did not fly Yes this is the best place to be ULTIMATE METAL rules paddy thinks everyone in here is the best :kickass: :Smokin:

Well you seem to be alot of fun there Paddy! Keep Bangin'!:kickass:
metal paddy said:
yo mister paddy says let the man talk or paddy will fly:kickass: :Smokin: because paddy gives ashit :Smokin: HEY GUYS DO YOU THINK PADDY WOULD MAKE A GOOD MOD I COULD DO SOME FLYING INTO PEOPLE AND MY CATCH PHASE WOULD BE:kickass: LISTEN: MISTER I AM RUNNING THE SHOW:kickass:

i concede
Metal-Rules is the worst site hands down. Not about the freedom metal is supposed to allow at all! Very false!

Plus they have a bitchy control freak mod who is not even listed in the staff directory. Morrigan! Make sure to kiss her ass, or there will be troubles no matter how many friends you have at the site.

Oh and make sure to let her insult you and don't say anything back in defense. It makes her feel superior.

Best sites? Ultimate Metal of course!! HaiMetal!! CRF2.com (classic rock..has Metal and an opened mind)

Hey Metal-Rules YOU SUCK!

Holy shit! YES! I fucking hate Morrigan! I knew I wasn't the only one who saw her as a tyrannical twat.
I and fucking HATE that jackoff known as "Vic". This fucker breaks every rule, completely fucks over any thread about any band he doesn't like, and yet, Morrigan lets him get away with it. It's obvious she has some sort of rancid crush on that fucking troll. They both belong in a shallow grave. Fuck them and their entire bloodline.
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