would you..


original rude boy
Nov 7, 2003
if you were given an opportunity to leave where ever you are and go to somewhere else would you?
the place where you would go to doesnt know happiness or saddness, you feel neither - they arent important there. would you give it up (it=happiness/saddness) to never know it again?
just been playing on my mind thats all.
blackeyed said:
yeah - sorry, just wanted to know what you thought thats all. probably didnt word it all too well either :oops:
you have that opportunity? or, just wondering?
maybe the question is : Is there something like that?
marginalé said:
you have that opportunity?

hmm, something like that i think (im not going to kill myself before anybody asks :rolleyes: ) just something and nothing really. really i just wanted to know what other people think. i mean whats more important being able to feel or not being troubled by it at all.
is it better to feel highs and lows or never to feel either - it would be far less complicated, i suppose the sacrifice is never feeling happiness in turn for never feeling despair, like offsetting you interest on your mortgage i guess. but then again who am i without my feelings? who is claire with despair or happiness after all?
is there a place for us?
you know the movie song
when are you gonna realize
it was just that the time was wrong?
Alwin said:
is there a place for us?
you know the movie song
when are you gonna realize
it was just that the time was wrong?
Anyone ever replied to their own post?
Is it bad, is it pathetic?
Or just a phase i'm going trough?
Alwin said:
Anyone ever replied to their own post?
Is it bad, is it pathetic?
Or just a phase i'm going trough?
I'd say it's pathetic!
Stop this madness now!
Alwin said:
Anyone ever replied to their own post?
Is it bad, is it pathetic?
Or just a phase i'm going trough?
guess its like laughing at your own jokes...and i do that all the time. i mean i wouldnt think it was a joke if i didnt find it funny...i never got the stigma about that.
Oh FUCK, they're coming !!!
I gotta run, maybe I post again, but not likely.
Take care all !!!
blackeyed said:
hmm, something like that i think (im not going to kill myself before anybody asks :rolleyes: ) just something and nothing really. really i just wanted to know what other people think. i mean whats more important being able to feel or not being troubled by it at all.
is it better to feel highs and lows or never to feel either - it would be far less complicated, i suppose the sacrifice is never feeling happiness in turn for never feeling despair, like offsetting you interest on your mortgage i guess. but then again who am i without my feelings? who is claire with despair or happiness after all?

Is it actually possible not being troubled by feelings at all?
I think it is only after we've experienced as many different and intense feelings we can. A t a r a x i a, do you know this word? that's my destination...

"The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom"
W. Blake
Oblivion said:
"The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom"
W. Blake
and it was aristotle's view that if we are to reach flourishing/happiness we must be virtuous, choosing the appropriate option, never in excess and never insufficient....i mean who the hell do you trust these days? everyone contradicts eachother - i say read what they have to say then say 'fuck it' and listen to inside you. if we are all in being then there is the essence of existence within us - the knowledge, the wisdom if you like, is right under all our noses imo.