would you..

blackeyed said:
hmm, something like that i think (im not going to kill myself before anybody asks :rolleyes: ) just something and nothing really. really i just wanted to know what other people think. i mean whats more important being able to feel or not being troubled by it at all.
is it better to feel highs and lows or never to feel either - it would be far less complicated, i suppose the sacrifice is never feeling happiness in turn for never feeling despair, like offsetting you interest on your mortgage i guess. but then again who am i without my feelings? who is claire with despair or happiness after all?

No way. I've been on psych medications that have so eliminated any feeling, moods, etc. that I may have well been dead. Some drugs just take you too far. Believe me when I tell you that this reality is absolute HELL. Your soul knows it's all wrong and it's actually extremely painful on a very deep level where your emotions don't usually go. It's the level of your soul that your emotions connect to from the outside world and feed it life. Without your emotions connecting to your soul properly, you die internally. It's like strangling yourself to death. Literally it's the worst thing I have ever experienced. It feels like hell, like this is what hell could really feel like.
This is why I accept most of my emotions, no matter how good or bad because I've experienced this before.

There's a big difference between feeling ok and neither really too good or bad, and REALLY feeling neither.
yeah, i think life is all about feelings, so what would it be without, doesn't matter if good or bad feelings, i wouldn't want to not feel anything at all!
Don Corleone said:
i wanna go to amsterdam and live there for some time. thats all i know
i assume u coulnd afford it mate. holland is a small place and even small places cost fortunes in that city :erk:
and the places you could afford round amsterdam, you dont wanna live there, believe me
in the future, if i see i can find an environment that is "healthier" for me, maybe... right now, i dont think so, sure i need to go places an escape from some of the boring crap here, but not forever like.
I wouldn't give up happiness nor sadness for emotions are the ones who remind you that you're alive. Once you don't feel anymore you're dead.. maybe your body is still alive but in your mind you'd be dead imo

about really moving again *g*:
I grew up in Croatia and moved to Switzerland with my parents and my brother when I was 11. It was very hard but also it was another chance. Nowadays I realized that there's not really much holding me back in Switzerland, so who knows... I'm finishing my studies in December and I have no idea what's gonna happen afterwards.
blackeyed said:
if you were given an opportunity to leave where ever you are and go to somewhere else would you?
the place where you would go to doesnt know happiness or saddness, you feel neither - they arent important there. would you give it up (it=happiness/saddness) to never know it again?
just been playing on my mind thats all.

Hell yeah!!! When can we go?
An interesting question...but not one that any of us can answer. If we could answer it then we would all be alike and this rather sad world would be full of people who had the same views as you and each other.
You see, for you to ask that question means you already know the answer you want other people to comfirm it for you, try looking inside your self just a little bit more, that will give you all the confirmation you need.
We are truly unique and thats what makes us who we are.
Underneath said:
An interesting question...but not one that any of us can answer. If we could answer it then we would all be alike and this rather sad world would be full of people who had the same views as you and each other.
You see, for you to ask that question means you already know the answer you want other people to comfirm it for you, try looking inside your self just a little bit more, that will give you all the confirmation you need.
We are truly unique and thats what makes us who we are.
you seem to understand what it is im talking about. your exactly right ;)