
Tried out EVE for a couple of weeks in june. That game is just huge! It´s a bit different to the other MMORPGs in that it focuses on economy rather than raiding and stuff. Almost the entire game economy is player controlled. All the raw resources, refining, science, production and distribution. People seemed to be quite nice there too, no 15-year zOMG HAXX111 players. One good thing is that you dont need to be online 24/7 to keep up with the other players, becouse your character trains his/her skills even when you´r not playing.

And science fiction is sometimes way cooler than fantasy!
Oh noes, I have a level 60 (shadow) priest now as well. It was tremendous fun getting some nice blue gear, now perhaps to be replaced by some oh-so-boring tier 1/2. Benediction/Anathema, here I come.

We're at Huhuran in Temple of Ahn'Qiraj now, and once again we have trouble getting a full raid for an instance that we wipe in, this time the instance being AQ. When we were wiping at Razorgore in BWL, we could barely get a raid going as well. That was summer, but nevertheless...makes you want to agree with rahvin about the community. It's just that I feel it's simply typical human behaviour. World of Warcraft Profiles » Tyriôn » Main World of Warcraft Profiles » Dissaaja » Alt

Oh, Just Another Day On Skullcrusher EU or Server Crash Gone Right.
Well, now that this thread is back, I may as well post. I'm kinda back in on my 60 hunter. Still only have about half my Dungeon 1 set (3 of which is now Dungeon 2). A couple of my old guildmates got back together, and we're having some fun in PvP again. I think we're all gonna just hang out until the xpac and Arenas come out. The new honor system seems much more to my liking.

Well, I'd rather go for the "I value my social life" reason, along with "the game basically consists on repeating the same dungeons over and over" to explain why I stopped playing.

No kids making a fuss really bothered me, I found a really nice guild, and I got to raid some of the high level instances (went to ZG, AQ and did the attunement for MC, but never got too far from the entrance).

I also found a little bit boring the way these people played the instances, sense of humor seemed inexistant. However, it is mainly the time-consuming kind of game and the over-repetitive modus operandi which made me really sick and just dropped it.

well I had a 14 days trial account until today. I like the game, its great to clean dungeons together with other people. I thought about to buy it, but unfortunally I have too much to do with my uni, so I wont buy it until the christmas holidays.
well I had a 14 days trial account until today. I like the game, its great to clean dungeons together with other people. I thought about to buy it, but unfortunally I have too much to do with my uni, so I wont buy it until the christmas holidays.

If you're gonna go that route, I'd pick up the expansion, Burning Crusade, on Jan 17th as well. At least, if you're interested in the Dranei or Blood Elves as a race.

I got lvl 48 with my Hunter but it has been a full week since i last played. I need to pay for more playing time but i'm too poor at the moment and as wierd as it may sound 15euro is not a small amount of money here.
I 'm bearing with the absence of WOW in my life better than i thought i would. I would have expected nausea, hallucionations and full scale anxiety by now but all i got is a moderate feeling of aimlessnes in my life. Maybe i should wait a bit longer :)
Most of the players are 13/16-year-old Internet illiterates: they don't play for fun or even for the group to succeed. They're an endless supply of catchphrases and - what's worse - asshole-ish behavior.

That is bullcrap, I formed a guild about 6 months after release, full of mature
people, we've even changed servers 3 times and the core 20 or so always
followed cos of the community, we are mostly 25+ and mostly casual (aka
people with work/social lifes) and after moving to our current server about 6
months ago are starting AQ40 tomorrow.

This is to say, you didn't look hard enough.
This is to say, you didn't look hard enough.

This doesn't change what most of the players are like, does it? I'm sure you must have noticed. Your personal experience doesn't make the general statement bullcrap.

I'll give you that, I was unlucky for long enough to stop looking, and ended up rejecting the invitation of one of the major guilds on my server because of pre-emptive disappointment. Still, pubbies were annoying to me even if the guildmates were ok, but that might just be low tolerance on my part. I maintain that the majority are all I said and worse.
True, but then again, 7+ million people, bound to be morons in there.
You should have formed your own guild instead, that is what me and my buddy
did, just to counter this effect and for the rest... well, there is the ignore list ;)
The Blood Elves as a part of the Horde seems wierd, i know how the storyline goes and it makes perfect sense but i still dont think that BE belong in the horde.
The Blood Elves as a part of the Horde seems wierd, i know how the storyline goes and it makes perfect sense but i still dont think that BE belong in the horde.

I have no vague idea about a storyline (and could care less), but Alliance has elves already, so... they could have been called something else even but still would be in th Horde.

Prolly only reason I could play Horde is Blood Elves. But know.
Prolly only reason I could play Horde is Blood Elves. But know.

Damn you people and your obsession with 'pretty' races.

But I'll exploit that, and say that if you ever roll a BElf for the xpac, roll it on Destromath. My brother and I are going to be rolling BElf characters as well.

And the whole reason why they are in the Horde makes perfect sense to me as far as storyline goes. All pretty on the outside, maniacal sociopaths with a lust for power on the inside... it's so wonderful. No wonder I'll be making a warlock...

Now, Dranei, on the other hand... but that doesn't matter... I don't play alliance.

All pretty on the outside, maniacal sociopaths with a lust for power on the inside... it's so wonderful.

Sounds liek me :heh: You just corrupted me... too bad all collector's editions are sold out (didn't have $80 at the moment anyway).

So yeah, if I ever play Horde - it will be that server you mentioned.

Any particular use of that jewel crafting thing? I'm not following the updates, you know :)