
Company has rented out one room of the local AMC theater for our all hands meeting. We're watching Harry Potter after lunch apparently.

Sadly, I am the IT guy who got told yesterday that they hadn't planned on how to run a WebEx and conference call from a room with no internet connection or phone line. So here I go an hour early to pull some solution out of thin air.
I get why people are so pumped but I think it's ridiculous. First off, I loved the first 3 harry potter books when I was a kid, but she kept drawing them out, and out, and out, and out... etc. Didn't they even go past the number she promised originally just because she was making so much money? Can't blame her but man, that really is a lame cash grab.

The thing that flat out BAFFLED me about this most recent one is the fact that they split it up into 2 movies. come on now. so basically anyone going to the first movie knew they were getting a shitty cliff hanger and knew it wasn't going to be complete, yet went to see that kid make a constipated face and hold a wooden stick while cgi blasts out of his asshole? kinda ridiculous. I saw people camping out for this and I couldn't believe it; if the books aren't contrived and a cash grab enough, the movies are the same thing just cgi/hollywood magic-ified and you know whats going on (unless you were dumb enough to pay for the first one not knowing you'd get a cliffhanger of some sort) from reading it yet go anyway.

unpopular opinion i know but fuck harry potter, fuck how they actually could make so much money off shitty cash-grab books with shitty cash-grab movies (i've seen 3 of them and hated them except one), and fuck how it's such a craze over a worthless IP yet people will camp out in front of the theaters to see "how it all ends" when they've already read it or are coming back to pay the rest of their $20-30 bucks to see one story.

also fuck yeah @it guy; i've got mad respect for anyone who can put up with corporate tards all day and create solutions for outrageous problems they don't understand one bit; if i were in your shoes i'd probably fuck something up on purpose every time they do something illogical and ridiculous that shouldn't be happening
unpopular opinion i know but fuck harry potter, fuck how they actually could make so much money off shitty cash-grab books with shitty cash-grab movies (i've seen 3 of them and hated them except one), and fuck how it's such a craze over a worthless IP yet people will camp out in front of the theaters to see "how it all ends" when they've already read it or are coming back to pay the rest of their $20-30 bucks to see one story.

At least it's not Twilight...
Also, I didn't hate any of the movies, but the only one that I actually liked quite a bit was Prisoner of Azkaban. The rest just felt too much like Disney movies for eighteen year olds.
"Harry Potter is about confronting fears, finding inner strength and doing what is right in the face of adversity. Twilight is about how important it is to have a boyfriend." - Stephen King
I think it's a nice story for children. But for an actual movie the whole plot is just written terrible. Like it was written by an english housewife, who got no clue about writing ....
"Harry Potter is about confronting fears, finding inner strength and doing what is right in the face of adversity. Twilight is about how important it is to have a boyfriend." - Stephen King
I like this, and I'm not even anything past neutral on the (Harry Potter) movies.
The thing that flat out BAFFLED me about this most recent one is the fact that they split it up into 2 movies. come on now. so basically anyone going to the first movie knew they were getting a shitty cliff hanger and knew it wasn't going to be complete
ok this is kind of a weak argument, anyone going to see any movie in a series knows its probably going to end on a cliffhanger and they'll have to wait till the next one to see what happens. were you pissed at the end of Kill Bill 1 knowing 2 was out in 6 months? were you pissed at the end of back to the future 1 and 2? matrix 2 (when there was still hope), star wars, every tv serial, etc etc? cliffhangers are part of the excitement and anticipation, gives the fans something to talk about and guess about, basically PART OF THE FUN. you just sound bitter, dude.
well, im not a harry potter fan so i cant really comment in this case, but most of the time i am quite disappointed when the movie version cuts out large pieces of the novel, cuts/merges awesome characters, cuts whole subplots, changes shit too much etc. and i wish a few adaptations had been in two parts rather than crammed into one. usually mini-series are the best adaptations, because it really does take 9-10 hours to properly tell the story of a book of 700-1000 pages. isnt your typical 2 hour screenplay like 150 pages or something?
A friend of mine wrote a really fantastic miniseries script for Nine Princes in Amber some years ago. Never could get the rights from Zelanzy's estate to try and shop it around though.
Saw it, really liked it. Even though it was split into two movies there was so much from the book left out of both of them. It was more than anything just an eye candy spectacle and one of the only movies in recent memory that had good 3D, but at the same time I am so sick of fucking 3D.
Harry Potter movies are some of the few I'd say actually warrent the use of 3d. But given that every damn thing released EVER nowadays is in 3d, I'm pretty damn over ANYTHING in 3d, now.

I want to see this, too. If not for the crazy shit that's bound to happen or Hermione being all hot now, then for SURE to see TDKR teaser. I can't lie... Brutally excited for it. :loco:
My response is normally things in a trilogy or series do have their own conclusions. they may not be the full end of the series, but for example with A New Hope you have the giant ending sequence, and it has a really satisfying ending. Even Empire, while having a cliffhanger, still had a good summation of things building up to the next movie, whereas when you take a book and split it in half its just not going to be that way. I haven't read it but I still think its a cheap move and would be dumb to go watch. People don't have to agree with me, but harry potter has been such a cash grab/money whoring IP so far that it doesn't surprise me people wouldn't care at all and would go spend money just to see some kid spout out lines and spells building up to sequences in a series drawn out just to milk more money from kids. I may hate harry potter, but even with that bitterness it's still ridiculous. I've never thought this before in series like this (hell, the lord of the rings books were split up into their own movies, not multiple movies per book when they easillyy could've been) so i wouldn't say it applies to all.
surprising you all thought it was good 3D considering it was post 3D and not shot in 3D, I did a theater check in HP today and was actually impressed about how good it looked, i thought it was a gay ass crash grab like clash of the titans, but at least the post team knew what they were doing on this one.

I'll go see it when i'm not working 3 doubles in a row because everyone is so fucking stupid to pile in on the first week. I'm just hoping since they all came in this week that next week will be slow and i get some days off so I can go see it and get all my shit done. or I might go see it after work tomorrow if I feel like dealing with people I just served 7 large layered buttered popcorn's to 10 minutes earlier...

also 10 screen theater....1400 people for the midnight show, 2000's really just pathetic now, we only did 1200 for twilight and that was fucking insane as it was.

EDIT: in other words, craig says it best [ame][/ame]