Wrestlemania 25

fuck all that hardcore shit. im glad that nonsense is gone. or atleast hidden on ecw, where i dont have to watch it
fuck all that hardcore shit. im glad that nonsense is gone. or atleast hidden on ecw, where i dont have to watch it
Actually ECW is probably featuring the best wrestling in the WWE these days. Theres storylines but the actual matches are what ECW's all about. There's ususally 2 great matches per show every week. They bascially use the 3rd brand to build-up the newer talent (I.E. Tyson Kidd, Evan Bourne, DJ Gabriel).
i know there is awesome talent, like evan bourne and john morrison. however, i just hate the hardcore stuff. and all the ecw guys i like, end up on raw with this exchange thing anyways.

and we cant ignore the fact that old guys who just dont cut it on raw are on ecw. see mark henry...