Write a DT-forum-song!

Sorry I haven't uploaded my part, I got a cold last weekend and lost my net connection during Monday/Tuesday/half Wednesday, and I got a cold yesterday. Though I'm better now, so don't worry everyone hehe :p .

I recorded the chorus part, but I won't upload anything till I have it all recorded. Maybe for the Friday after tomorrow hehe.

I wonder if DT released an Ep/Single for the next album they'd put this song as a bonus *ejaculates twice*.

Had a crazy week, and the gf is moving to Boston on Monday morn, so the earliest I'll be able to try to re-record is on Monday. I'm serious, you don't want to hear the version I have right now. If I can, I'll pick up a better mic, too, but I'll probably be stuck with the crappy headset.

Actually, how's about I listen to LBRH's version, then I'll just record a bunch of inter-parts like Tri recommended?

Nah, I'll record a whole version, then KC can mess around with it.

lil: Sounds good my man.

Dark Dominion: You are right. I don't own a bass and am not very good at playing bass anyway. never othered to learn the technique.

6string: Nah I haven't got it yet... you send it to my email?

Kov: Do as you will buddy. There's no deadline and better the quality the better, you know.
King Chaos said:
Dark Dominion: You are right. I don't own a bass and am not very good at playing bass anyway. never othered to learn the technique.
I think he's asking cause he might want to do the bass. ;)
King Chaos said:
@Trit. Sounds really good. In key and not a bad mix either. Now we're just waiting on the screams/growls. *tumble weed flows by* :p

:OMG: Of course it's in key!!! :p

The reverse stuff was an idea I got when I fooled around a bit and I would lik,e to have something like that in other parts as well. I'll wait for the growl and then I'll try the back vox in the chorus and maybe some more reverse stuff.

Sounds OK?
Sorry for this again, but it's gonna be understandably delayed.

Found out my uncle had a brain tumor, and went into surgery this morning to have it removed. Surprisingly quickly turnaround (they found it Monday night, surgery 10 am on Tuesday) which both worries me and relieves me, for different hypothetical reasons. Still no concrete facts on what happened. See you all tomorrow morning.

Thanks. It seems he came out of surgery fine last night, and is talking/moving/being coherent, so they think he'll be ok. They just have to examine the tumor now to figure out what's going on. (oddly enough, there was no pre-surgery biopsy or anything of the sort)

sorry I just arrived on DT mesagebord and I don't really wana read 11 pages so can someone explain me what you guys a re doing...I rea the first page and seem's nice...
edit:13 page
Hi.... Very hot avatar.

Here's the deal.. We wrote a lyric to a song by putting in a phraseeach at a time and when the lyrics were finished KC wrote some music and I recorded a clean vox part. Now we have two guys who're gonna do growls and one who's gonna do a guitar solo.

We are now working on a second song. See thread "DT-forum-song round 2"

First of all, welcome to the forum, enjoy your stay here :)
Tritonus started a song and then we all contributed with words and phrases to complete it.

The song looks like this:

Remember of those hijinks on turbulent gatherings,
Where beer flows from huge mouths and asses
Of nigh and despairing dogs within gods
That tear thoughts between adventurous masses.

Though corpses alive and vague highs,
Machines were masquerading under human consciousness,
Such a sight, fight against the night and the light

Breeding an unwanted emotion of guilt,
Within remnants of glowing overflown children,
Overdriven and swamplike, the forest that rots
Brings out your innermost sorrows.

We are at the threshold of pain,
The locked, the maimed,
The Haggis, The Rubbish, with the madness around us
We stare.

Sexy in disguise, the torture distorts our guilt
But under penis demoniac mice burst through sleep
Skin deep the passionate schlong penetrates the kilt
And reaps the harvest of time.
Once again.

We lie with promises.
and with promises of absolution,
Ouch, it will grow before you surrender
yourself to the Insignificunt

(The chorus repeat during this part):
We stare into the Insignificunt.
Blinded as we always have been

King Chaos has written some amazing music for this track, and the guys from the forum are recording vocals for it. that's how the story goes :p the song's name is insignificunt. and btw there is another song written in the same way, here's the link
