Writing Mikael's name

Allright. I might know more than you expect about your country. My girlfriend lives in Amsterdam, so I'm there quite often. And I don't think there's a reason to make fun of us is there? I think it's a bit childish and very ignorant. It's tiring too, as I'm not accepted by everyone at my gf's place, only for one obvious reason :err: But apart from those people, I love many of them :)
Cerulean said:
Alsø, then I wøuld understånd the åctørs øf this Swedish pørn møvie I håve.

What movie is it?

Anyway, all swedish pornos say basically the same as the english ones, "Aahh, oohh" :)
Gymsokk said:
Danish? Danish sounds like norwegian spoken by a retard! And the swedes are dumb and greedy! Why do Swedes carry a cardoor in the desert? Because if it gets hot, they just roll down the window!

Hahahaha, yes danish is not pretty.

...but are we greedy? I thought it was the norweigan people who came over the border to buy stuff just cause your country charge a million for a piece of gum. No no no, it's the norweigans who are greedy, not us. And we have alot of jokes about you too btw :)

I've heard mensa doesn't exist in Norway cause you had no members...
I'm not saying norwegians are perfect, just that we are closer to perfect than swedes! no, seriously, we are problaby a little more greedy than swedes... and most norwegan girls have a "thing" for swedish guys... But we are smarter! hehe
Gymsokk said:
I'm not saying norwegians are perfect, just that we are closer to perfect than swedes! no, seriously, we are problaby a little more greedy than swedes... and most norwegan girls have a "thing" for swedish guys... But we are smarter! hehe
Actually, there's no language and women and smart guys, and funny, nice, welcoming people like Spanish. And on top, we also have strange letters and symbols in our alphabet, like "ñ", and you can cross a whole continent from top to bottom and the other way round and they would all understand you, coño!
If you want to know what danish sounds like...it's a bit like trying to speak swedish with a really hot and large potato in your mouth!