WTB New Preamp on a budget, suggestions?


Mar 5, 2008
Cincinnati, Ohio
So I've got $500 usd to spend on either a pre-amp or head and I wanna hear what everyone's suggestions would be for the biggest bang for the buck so to say. I need something that's at least 2 channels ( one clean and one heavy ) and has an effects loop. Suggestions?
its for a guitar rig, i need a clean channel and a distortion channel (if possible a 3 channel for low gain and high gain), and I want it to have a decent amount of gain but still be clear sounding
You might be able to find a Peavey Rockmaster Preamp and a TubeWorks MosValve Poweramp for 500$ if youre lucky..
So I've got $500 usd to spend on either a pre-amp or head and I wanna hear what everyone's suggestions would be for the biggest bang for the buck so to say. I need something that's at least 2 channels ( one clean and one heavy ) and has an effects loop. Suggestions?

krank rev jr...rev jr pro if you need channel switching