WTF are you listening to?

Anyone heard of these guys? Technical, winding, and long-winded prog black metal. They have a new album coming out later this year which features the bass player from Noltem. Initially this didn't excite me too much, but it takes a lot of time to unpack whats going on. It has become a favorite album of mine, at least from the "USBM" scene in the Northeast. I recommend it!
Ordered this today. Fuck it's cool
I never picked up any Gorgoroth nor G-d Seed albums but I must say the Gaahls Wyrd solo what-have-you is pretty solid.

One of perhaps 6 albums from 2019 I've snagged. Doing my dooty keeping up with modernity metal as it were, I suppose.
In Human Form
This is quality stuff---it also led me to that northeastern hymns split--which is also solid.

So fucking good...

This is definitely intriguing--it's all over the place, yet cohesive.

Some recent listenings

Italian bm from voidhanger--gets rocking and bouncy in parts-

i'll throw this on here--If you're into late period autechre (anyone?)

dm from france--great riffs and dynamics --- love that cover art too

Dutch bm---members of laster, solar temple, turia etc.

Just discovered this guy a few weeks ago-- if you're into rap at all--check it out. the rapping with segal's production is truly special. Recommended tracks, start with tracks 4-8.

As with all their releases-the new yellow eyes album kills. With imperial triumphant, some of the best bm anywhere.
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^ AOTY written all over it ^

Dorian, listen to that shit pronto. It's got everything; great songwriting, technicality, emotion, you name it. Also, the clean vox kick all sorts of asses. They remind me of Layne Staley.
Ken, this album is kicking my dick in. Great reco, man. Favorite song thus far is "Mono No Aware"
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