WTF are you listening to?

what can she be bitching about? don't you carry most of the burdens on your back?

I've used that line many times before. It doesn't work.

It was about the affair. Her feelings are still hurt. Understandable.
Just out of curiosity--for you married folk who post here all the time--how much do your wives "know" about this place? I mean, what do you tell them you're doing at your computer all the time? Do they know it's a message board? If so, aren't you worried that they might get curious and check out what you're up to? (This goes especially for dorian, I guess.)
Well you don't exactly say or do anything incriminating, other than possess the worst taste imaginable :D
i try (to have the worst taste) ... but my wife's only complaint is that I talk more to you fucks than her.
saw that tour too, warmed me up to the new album a lot

been listening to this new DESASTER album like everyday, should i just work backwards from here, or do they have a specific best album?!

You can't go wrong with any of them. They had a different singer for the first 3-4 albums. The albums with the new singer are quite similar in style to the latest. The oldest albums have a weaker production, but with great feeling, and they sound a tad more epic.
Just out of curiosity--for you married folk who post here all the time--how much do your wives "know" about this place? I mean, what do you tell them you're doing at your computer all the time? Do they know it's a message board? If so, aren't you worried that they might get curious and check out what you're up to? (This goes especially for dorian, I guess.)

Why do you think I routinely go on a post-deleting tear? :lol:
Seriously though...I've been here since 2004 and have some 20 million posts. The only time the wife had a problem with this place was a few years back when we had a joint computer. Some douchebag started a thread with an amusing title and a link and nothing else. So of course I clicked on the link and nothing happened. So I clicked on it over and over. It just happened to be some porn and I was just opening up window after window of the pics dude posted but didn't see them because they were opening up behind some other shit. So, later on in the day when the wife used the computer, she was greeted with several windows of what looked like a 16 year old and her vag. Needless to say, I swore of this den of iniquity for about three months.