WTF are you listening to?

hahahha ... my daily hipster posting
why do these dudes call themselves Black Metal? ...
i gotta say I am real big sucker for the drill it in your head riffing ... but man ...
the main dude reminds me of a Mike Patton

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Gawddamn the guitar solo in the middle of "Deep Peace" is so gawddamn epic. Usually Devin doesn't waste time with lame-ass, noodly soloing. But when he does........ OH BOY!
it's actually really damn good ... no singing on either one of the 2 tracks above ...
Yeah, I've heard the first one. Sort of stoner-y and melodic, if my memory is correct, and completely forgettable.
hahahhaha.... CHECK OUT the vocals on this track ... I think even the drummer is laughing at him

The singer sounds like a woman being raped, but their musicianship is about as tight as her vagina.

"the vocals are shitty, they sound like my grandma when grandpa finds his viagra"
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this interview is priceless ... especially the 1:04 reaction of the band :lol:

they HAVE to be all in on this nonsense joke.
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Back in 1999, this was one of my top 10 ever cuts. Still goes hard to this day.

I have begun drinking
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One of my bros is at some supposedly "metal" bar in Brooklyn. He sez they're playing Type O Negative and Slayer. GO THERE AND WOW THEM WITH YOUR METAL CREDIBILITY. I'm sure the fine-ass hipster chicks (with bangs) will love you for it...!
One of my bros is at some supposedly "metal" bar in Brooklyn. He sez they're playing Type O Negative and Slayer. GO THERE AND WOW THEM WITH YOUR METAL CREDIBILITY. I'm sure the fine-ass hipster chicks (with bangs) will love you for it...!

he was probably at Duff's ... that's metal and TYPE O ground zero. it was Pete Steele's favorite hangout.

btw did this gem ever grace these here pages?

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