WTF are you listening to?

You should. And not that SHITE Hammers album.

That Scalzi dude might be the worst vocalist of all time.

Slough Feg = SHITE. You heard it here first.

Cool dude, though.

The August Engine is still tits.

I'm hungover.

Drank a pint of whiskey and 24 beers.

Deal with it, people.

A friend on Facebook said that, instead of getting "plastered" today, to "pray" for Mexico, who are in some kind of civil war.

I'm torn between celebrating some other country's holiday and thinking happy thoughts to the wall.

How anyone into Metal cannot enjoy Slough Feg's Traveller is beyond me. And Hardworlder is one of the greatest hard rock/metal hybrid albums I have ever heard. Them melodic Thin Lizzy-esque twin guitar leads are so fucking infectious.
i will stand my ground re: both arghoslent and slough feg

i have owned albums by both and really tried, too, but they are bad bands, sorry
How anyone into Metal cannot enjoy Slough Feg's Traveller is beyond me.


Arghoslent on the other hand.. while I do enjoy them I can understand why a person would potentially dislike them. Although this has no direct relevance I'd much rather listen to GBK.
His vocals are godawful. Constantly strained and flat. Can't get past 'em.

And yeah, Traveler is probably their best. I can actually get through that one sometimes.
Slough Feg's Traveller is easily the best heavy metal album of all time. Well, in my opinion.
you should try harder then

it is mainly, i find, because of the fact that they play bad music
i am now convinced that erik only pretends to hate slough feg to rage kids on internet forums