WTF are you listening to?

since BEFORE it came out

which was a thing to brag about in the days before internet file sharing
I thought crap like Avenged Sevenfold and Wolfmother were the current next big thing? That stuff is Twilight bad. I don't know how relevant those bands are anymore, I mean strictly speaking in terms of hugeness.

I can't even remember last time I heard a new "big" rock band, maybe when somebody played me Arctic Monkeys? It was okay. The kids at work listen to modern metal and are all happy about the fact that metal is huge again (???) but what little I've heard of that stuff it sucks complete balls. I don't know any of the names other than the above mentioned Avenged Sevenchode, but it all sounds the same to me. Perhaps I have become old and crotchety. Perhaps it just sucks ass.
I have literally zero exposure to mainstream music anymore. I don't watch television, sans a few show dleds and UFC. I don't listen to radio, except for the occasional Classical station romp. And I rarely even go outside during the day. Hazaar! Winning!

I only know about the song posted above from a co-worker who showed it to me. I was thoroughly impressed with it.

i'm not any more up-to-date re: this shit than you are, but isnt this like 2003
I really don't know. I heard them like 2 years ago for the first time. Wolfmother was probably longer ago than that, but:
I have literally zero exposure to mainstream music anymore.
Yep, me too. I know the Gotsy guy because my wife asked me what I thought about that song. She's about as connected to that kind of poop as I am, so we hear like 3 pop songs per year. I think the last was Adele, and before that MGMT. At least Adele is pretty cool. MGMT should be renamed Big Fucking Faggot Shite instead.
I see nothing wrong with this picture whatsoever, although I guess Beavis and Butthead are back?! Honestly I listen to more OSDM today, back then I only liked that kind of thing when the pop sounding stuff came out. When I was a kid, Wolverine Blues and Heartwork were the best. Now I'd rather hear Clandestine and I Reek of Putrefaction.
Roy Harper post? ROY HARPER POST.

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I thought crap like Avenged Sevenfold and Wolfmother were the current next big thing? That stuff is Twilight bad. I don't know how relevant those bands are anymore, I mean strictly speaking in terms of hugeness.

I can't even remember last time I heard a new "big" rock band, maybe when somebody played me Arctic Monkeys? It was okay. The kids at work listen to modern metal and are all happy about the fact that metal is huge again (???) but what little I've heard of that stuff it sucks complete balls. I don't know any of the names other than the above mentioned Avenged Sevenchode, but it all sounds the same to me. Perhaps I have become old and crotchety. Perhaps it just sucks ass.

:lol: NAD bringing the heat from 2005. The Strokes are also cool