WTF are you listening to?

That's not original at all. And I fucking HATE that song. ugh....I cringe everytime I hear them open lines...and that's multiple times/day. :puke:

...and the fucking lyrics. Jesus Christo! If you are gonna pen some fucking words down at least make it worthwhile.

Yeah this is pure crap. It's something the kids/wife would listen to. I honestly tried hard to get my son on the right track (the middle daughter is just too young still) early but then he started kindergarten and the wife drove him (and daughter) across town to school every day for nine months and he is now lost.

Kids automatically like simple, catchy little tunes for obvious developmental reasons but that doesn't mean they *have* to.

That said, I want to approach just *one* of these pop bands and ask them how they feel about writing music that appeals to six year olds. I for one would be embarrassed by that.

Anyway...fuck it. I *did* ask the wife to stop playing pop songs that deal with sex and relationships.....which is all of them. So, we'll see how that goes
its reaaly quite atrocious what is on pop radio nowadays. even mainstream rock is at an all time low the past 10 or so years. as for all these pop bitches, *ahem* artists *ahem* i guess they are good performers but thats about it. it boggles my fucking mind.
hahahha ... wtf

I recall as a kid being confused for years and years about certain lyrics in songs my parents would listen to...stuff as pedestrian as the Eagles. And for awhile as an adult I was irritated by it.

Children should not be exposed to even basic concepts of dating and relationships and absolutely not about sex.

But I digress. My main point here is I think my son was better off when he was exposed to the music I listen to rather than the crap pop music my wife turns on in the car. At age four I had him singing "Veil of Mayaaaa!" but now he sings, "we are yyoouung!"

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Catchy tunes are bad

I'm assuming some level of sarcasm here and I suppose it's directed at me but I love catchy songs. I don't care what genre they are from.
I'm just saying that the catchy pop songs I hear on the radio are not appropriate for children.
i just post shit I hear on the radio when I am at the mercy of the dj's ... you guys seek out bad pop.

I just watched this for the first time. I laughed when dude hits chick over the head with a bottle but otherwise......STOP WITH THE HIGH SPEED CAMERA

argh when is this fad going to go away? It was funny in "Jackass 3" for about 2 seconds and now it's EVERYWHERE
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Then again, I guess pop must mean something that's POPULAR, right? I strictly mean "shit that sounds good for for a couple of minutes and gets the fuck gone." Also, in today's world, when are you "at the mercy of the DJs"? Walgreens?