WTF are you listening to?

been procuring lots of forefather albums. really good band.

listening to helmet - seeing eye dog, their latest. wow, this band went shit
i had a store credit to and bought a few things i would never really own, mostly because they were about $2 a piece. Seriously check it out for some cheap stuff. you wont find rare items or anything, but if theres something to possibly complete a collection or just curiosity about an album, it might be a good choice.

anyway, i picked up some black sabbath tribute called eternal masters with a classic cover of zero the hero from cannibal corpse. meh, it was less than $1.50. but the winner is clearly OLD - Formula. a james plotkin ambient industrial thing with vocoder vocals on earache records (supposedly the lowest selling album in label history). i would normally hate this, but i dig it. its pretty total pinkage, but it works.
Current playlist (on shuffle)
Darkthrone - Under a Funeral Moon
In the Woods... - Heart of Ages
Ulver - Bergtatt & Nattens
Immortal - Diabolocal Full Moon Mysticism
Mayhem - De Mysteriis & Deathcrush
Burzum - Aska
Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse
Enslaved - Frost & Vikingligr Veldi
but the winner is clearly OLD - Formula. a james plotkin ambient industrial thing with vocoder vocals on earache records (supposedly the lowest selling album in label history). i would normally hate this, but i dig it. its pretty total pinkage, but it works.
I am going to check this out. What I know of James Plotkin is awesome.

Today was The Director's Cut by Fantômas and The Grimalkin by Noekk. The rest of this week has been lots of Pagan Altar and Iron Maiden.

Still heavy after all these years. I love this god damn album.
^^^ That right there is still my #1 album from the '00s. Well, depending on my mood, tied with Lateralus I suppose, and maybe Choirs of the Eye. Similar coloUr scheme for all three album covers, perhaps a coincidence?!
it is. unfortunately, the band broke up after its release and apparently everything before it is some sort of humor grind spazz core or something