WTF Babymetal?!

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I actually think it's really funny just how outraged some metal heads are getting over Babymetal.
We're talking "cerebral hemorrhage, blood-bursting veins, combusting on the spot" type angry.


Roll a fat ass blunt and kick back folks.
I don't know, I don't see that many that are actually THAT engraged. There are certainly ones actively speaking out against Babymetal, but I mean we get that with every prepacked over produced made specifically to generate moollah cash grab that rolls through the industry.
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Guess that's the big difference here. I'm looking at their live performances, not the music. Why the fuck would I critically analyze the musicianship of a band intentionally fusing jpop and metal?

Why would you defend it to the same degree that I'm ridiculing it?

I actually think it's really funny just how outraged some metal heads are getting over Babymetal.
We're talking "cerebral hemorrhage, blood-bursting veins, combusting on the spot" type angry.


Roll a fat ass blunt and kick back folks.

Yeah I think you're projecting some kind of bullshit that doesn't fit us. Well, me at the least.
I'm not even a little bit outraged, I didn't start a Babymetal thread in order to complain, I merely found one and talked some shit. This is the internet, fuckboi.
I don't know any metal bands that are currently producing quality music that support them. Just saying.

I mean, I haven't researched that, but being supported by Rob Zombie and Metallica isn't really the equivalent of metal street cred.
I am guessing it's still not enough for the metal street cred ..
I'm not a metal purist or anything; I just don't care for BEBIMETARU because I don't like jpop. However, I'm more amused than anything that it exists.
I hate kids bands in general. Usually some perverted manager manipulates some girls into making a cute band that will sell. Happens in my country from time after time and the result is always terrible. The latest case is this. Of course you can't blame the kids. Also, IB4 Aug likes this.

Babymetal have transcended above being just a cute band of teens that would sell. Their videos and performances have never been sexualized in any way to begin with, there's nothing wrong with the way they dress or dance that's inappropriate in anyway which is why I think adding pervert angle to baby-metal is totally unfair and wrong. Btw they are not Kids anymore and the band is still going strong, rising above expectations. What if they don't compose their own music, it doesn't matter and nobody is crying foul over it. They are a serious metal talent and have a huge fan following. They have given strong live performances time and again & people really enjoy attending their concerts, which I think should really matter.

Ha. The best part is you guys keep posting pictures of them with good bands in an attempt to validate the quality of Babymetal's music as anything ascending beyond a mountain of malaria-riddled fecal matter. You could post them hanging out with all of Black Sabbath and Motörhead, still wouldn't change how farcical and tumorous their music is.
Dio should descend from his throne and behead those little mongrels for throwing up the horns without having any real dedication to their meaning.
Dio would have blessed Babymetal and their effort to help Metal reach greater heights..
Ha. The best part is you guys keep posting pictures of them with good bands in an attempt to validate the quality of Babymetal's music as anything ascending beyond a mountain of malaria-riddled fecal matter. You could post them hanging out with all of Black Sabbath and Motörhead, still wouldn't change how farcical and tumorous their music is.
If Babymetal's music is Tumorous then what would you make of the metal legends who are supporting Babymetal apparently for their music.
I'd make of it that they're wrong about this issue. I don't pretend them to be infallible by any means. For fuck's sake, Ozzy still thinks Black Sabbath were "heavy rock" and Lemmy insisted Motörhead was only rock and roll.
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