WTF Babymetal?!

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I don't even give a shit, it's awesome. NOT A SINGLE FUCK GIVEN

To be honest, I didn't really care about their debut, but their 2nd album was wayyyyy better.
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They're cool, been listening to them a while now. All my other friends hate them of course, but whatever. I think they're cool. Good on them for creating a very polarised response from people.
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Feeling the need to point out that babymetal is composed of KIDS. FUCKING KIDS. Ages 16-18. Dumb teenagers, at an age you usually aren't accomplishing shit.

You're a huge douche if you feel like shit talking children, over analyzing how good their music is supposed to be and whether it satisfies your gay little metal checklists.
Feeling the need to point out that babymetal is composed of KIDS. FUCKING KIDS. Ages 16-18. Dumb teenagers, at an age you usually aren't accomplishing shit.

You're a huge douche if you feel like shit talking children, over analyzing how good their music is supposed to be and whether it satisfies your gay little metal checklists.

I hate kids bands in general. Usually some perverted manager manipulates some girls into making a cute band that will sell. Happens in my country from time after time and the result is always terrible. The latest case is this. Of course you can't blame the kids. Also, IB4 Aug likes this.

Whether the band was their original idea or some shitty manager's is irrelevant. They're the ones busting their asses onstage.

If they were just dancing crappily like those piece of shit kids in the vid you posted, it would be another story.
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Tons of great bands were making original music at the ages of 16, 17, 18.

Fenriz was 17 and Nocturno Culto was 18 when they released their first couple of Darkthrone demos.

If they were like 12, 13 or 14 your "they're just kids" defence might fly, but 16+? Nah.

over analyzing how good their music is supposed to be and whether it satisfies your gay little metal checklists.

Yeah we're so picky with our gay little metal checklists which include; sounding good and being originally composed by the musicians in the band.

We're such elitists with our Olympian standards.
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Whether the band was their original idea or some shitty manager's is irrelevant. They're the ones busting their asses onstage.

If they were just dancing crappily like those piece of shit kids in the vid you posted, it would be another story.

Oh yeah the japanese kids are probably more on time with their dance moves because they had a pedant dance instructor.
Alice Cooper was 15 when he launched himself headfirst into fronting the British Invasion cover band that would later become the Alice Cooper Band, David Bowie was also 15 or 16 when he started his musical career, Angus Young was 18 when he became AC/DC's lead guitarist, and had been playing proficiently in various other Aussie pub rock groups since he was he 16, Zappa was 15, Robert Plant was 17, Dio was 15, Akira Takasaki was 14, Alvin Lee was 16, etc. So don't give me the "Won't somebody please just think of the children!?" horseshit when people have started at their (Babymetal's) age or even significantly younger and become some of the finest musicians to have walked the face of the Earth. If children have produced music like the music I've listed? They sure as shit can do better than Babymetal's trite.
I hate kids bands in general. Usually some perverted manager manipulates some girls into making a cute band that will sell. Happens in my country from time after time and the result is always terrible. The latest case is this. Of course you can't blame the kids. Also, IB4 Aug likes this.

that is fucking amazing i love it
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You guys are taking my comment the wrong way. I'm not saying their music is good for their age, I know there's better and even younger. I'm saying they're young and working their asses off. If they were doing twinkle little stars covers I'd still applaud them.

I don't dig their music regardless though, I just think its lame to hate on some kids who think they're doing it right.
Agreed. But I wouldn't tell some kid working their damnedest at defense on a sports team to work offense instead because there's more glory and it takes more talent.

Let the girls do their little dances, its theater, not music.
They can work their asses off all they want, until they start working them in the direction of producing some decent music, I won't laud them. It's not "lame" to hate on kids who think they're doing it right, what's lame is to condescendingly pretend that they can't do better, and clapping your hands for them producing balderdash instead of imploring them to try to write good material.
I really don't care what they do, I just care if the music sucks or not.
By all means get cash, just don't give me piss and tell me it's beer and then call me names when I spit it out and say "this isn't beer, it's fucking piss."
Guess that's the big difference here. I'm looking at their live performances, not the music. Why the fuck would I critically analyze the musicianship of a band intentionally fusing jpop and metal?
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