WTF! my mac is acting the bollox

mick thompson

AKA: Ross Canpolat! SM!
Nov 3, 2005
Dublin, Ireland
any suggestions.

my mac's mail wont sign into any accounts, keeps asking for the password to each email account. all my passwords are gone from my keychain access.

when i go to google and go to hotmail or gmail the site refuses to open yet it opens fine on my windows machine.

wtf chaps!
have you run Disk Utility ever? should be done about once a week at minimum, and reboot after.

if that doesn't fix it, trash the Mail app's prefs and reboot.

also, try temporarily putting everything in the startup folder in the trash and reboot.. .see how it acts then. also get a hold of Disk Warrior, boot from the CD and rebuild your directories.

macs require maintenance just like any other computer... just less usually and less bothersome... unless you let it go until there's real problems.
yea i run disk utility every 3 weeks, i have it scheduled to start up. i got it working...ish.

i had to reboot the machine, then wipe the keychain access codes because they all got jumbled up. deleted all error'd mac mail accounts, then re-added the accounts into mail.

before the reboot logic also started acting up on me, it kept asking for my serial code, i punched it in about 4 times and it just didn't accept it. the reboot fixed that problem. no doubt there are prob more problems on the machine but i'll have to iron them out when i find them. cheers for the input.

i keep my machine well oiled