Wtg- Dark Tranquility in Rainbow Six 3?


Oct 24, 2001
Atlanta, GA
I just picked up Rainbow Six 3 for xbox the other day (it rules), and on one of the maps... i forget the name, but it is supposed to be in Croasia, there are Dark Tranquility posters from Damage Done on the walls! Anyone know why?
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You mean 'Croatia'

Hmmm.. been a while since I played the original Rainbow Six. Excellent game.
Cause a level designer is a Dark Tranquillity fan? You know,I'm just wondering how you expect us to have any more knowledge about this than you do? :)
Well, there's a small possibility that the band might know something about it (Niklas?) - and if there really are DD-posters visible in the game, Century Media should know something about it... Perhaps it is just their clever marketing idea or something... :confused:


PS: Oh, and please give us a screenshot!
Tranquillian said:
I bet Stanne is the right person to ask. Niklas is not the gamer-type.
Well, I kind of thought of the possibility that the game-makers would have officially asked a permission from either the artist (Niklas), the art-company (Cabin Fever Media = Niklas), or the record-label (CM) to use the poster in their game. If they have not, I believe there's a chance for a big law-suit here.

Anyone have a screenshot of this yet?

Stanne has a friend at Ubisoft, that is how it came to be. Apparently one of the maps in the game or its expansion are named after a song or something.
Villain said:
If they have not, I believe there's a chance for a big law-suit here.
A lawsuit for free promotion in a popular game? Now that if anything would make me lose all and any respect I ever had for the band.
Maybe they should ask that they use some of their music in another game...

Or let CM do the lawsuit. Those bastards will do anythign for some dirty money!

Steve (expecting angry emails from CM for this joke)
Erik said:
A lawsuit for free promotion in a popular game? Now that if anything would make me lose all and any respect I ever had for the band.
Well, duh - the same here. But I never implied the band would like to do so. However, what little I know of record-companies tells me that they are pretty damn "protective" of "their" properties. That's why I mentioned the lawsuit. I know for sure the band-members won't have anything against free promotion, but just imagine CM's reaction had there been "their" music playing in the game without them getting a cent - a lawsuit would be underway most probably allready. Now, this poster thing is probably a bit different, but you never know of those damn record-company people and lawyers... :)

Glad you people noticed it. I thought it was just for the upcoming expansion pack Athena Sword but I´m glad to hear it´s in the Xbox version too..
Incredible game btw.
Here is a screenshot of me dealing out death and destruction as usual:


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Erik said:
A lawsuit for free promotion in a popular game? Now that if anything would make me lose all and any respect I ever had for the band.

You're right... But St-Hubert, a BBQ chiken restaurant, wasnt happy at all ;they said they were using their name. It was in Splinter Cell and there was a logo with the chicken and his thumb on a truck... Now Im definetly be buying R6 3 to check this out... o_O But thanks for the info... Its cool to know there is some gamers out there who are also DT fans and appreciate good games... Cya!
hehehe if you look closely it looks like a DT poster but you can't really read any name (the above pic is not in the game - the croatia one is different)..

... let's consider it a lovely, polite homage, even if it ONLY looks similar to a DT poster, of course..

Now, lets' not make a big deal out of it, or it will be harder in the future, won't it?