www.dark-tranquillity.nl - renewed

rahvin said:
you're right about the others, but i beg to differ about this one.

Knowing you that was probably just a joke, but for certainty's sake: the booklets for both the European digipak and the Japanese version of Damage Done credit Brändström for the music of Hours Passed in Exile (alongside with Henriksson, Jivarp and Nicklasson).

-Villain (credited for years wasted in trivial things)
Thanks a lot everyone :)
@MorbidEnemy: I really like the idea - I'll see what I can do!!
@SOM: I can see what you're saying, but the statistics show me that people are interested in where to buy Character, Exposures, Haven & Damage Done (they're all in the top 15 of most visited pages), so that's why I decided to add links to these albums + the 2005 reissues of TMI & The Gallery on the news page. Links to the other *ahum* less interesting :rolleyes: albums & EP's can be found in the review section.
@Gtranquillity on dt.nl there is a mistake on the listings for the current tour, April22 Columbus,OH AlRosaVilla, DT did not play there, check the official.They played in NC that night. I wrote about this on the forum. Dimebag was killed there. I wondered if that had anything to do with the cancelation?

MorbidEnemy said:
you should make a section with pictures of all the Merchandise that DT has made
Gtranquillity said:
@MorbidEnemy: I really like the idea - I'll see what I can do!!
what follows happened bCM (before Connie Monroe)
over 2 years ago during one of our many phone conversations or an email (I'm sure You still have an extensive files on me, maybe its there?) I suggested that You add a DT merchandise section to Your site, showing all the shirts, poster, stickers, etc.
Your reply was 'not only did You not like the idea, You told me it was not a very good one'
a woman has the prerogative to chance Her mind, I still think it is a good idea

back to reality
I was on the OBT today, maybe I'll have some pizza in Deltona before I leave FL
will be back up north soon to catch some more DT shows later in the week
G Your site is well thought out, easy to navigate I know You put much time and energy into it and it shows
dt.nl even has a balance and flow artistically, it's 'da bomb' :worship:
I think it would be neat to put chart stats for the albums, like "Character was #1 for 3 weeks during January" or something like that.
i was checking the lyrics page.. the writing credits aren't so obvious (esp when you're tired :p).. maybe you could also put the credits for each song together with its lyrics (for example under its title or right after the lyrics).

I also think it would be handy to either have a page with all the lyrics of an album together (kinda like it's on www.darklyrics.com), that would appear when you click on the title of the album (instead of the pictures that load now), or a link from each song's lyrics to the next song's lyrics.
I'm saying this, because most of the times i want to check whole albums' lyrics, and it's tiring to go back and forth for each song.

Other than that, it's a very handy site. I really like the CFM page. :)
TheFourthHorseman said:
More nitpicking: The lyric in Not Built To Last goes "an endeavour that will out fail", not "flat our fail."
Will be corrected in the next few minutes! Thanks :)

Arch said:
I think it would be neat to put chart stats for the albums, like "Character was #1 for 3 weeks during January" or something like that
It's a nice idea, but imho this'll only work if you can provide complete information, and for all their albums.

Siren said:
i was checking the lyrics page.. the writing credits aren't so obvious (esp when you're tired ).. maybe you could also put the credits for each song together with its lyrics (for example under its title or right after the lyrics).

I also think it would be handy to either have a page with all the lyrics of an album together (kinda like it's on www.darklyrics.com), that would appear when you click on the title of the album (instead of the pictures that load now), or a link from each song's lyrics to the next song's lyrics.
I'm saying this, because most of the times i want to check whole albums' lyrics, and it's tiring to go back and forth for each song.
Thanks for the input and ehh... check back in about a week or two :)
Hey great site but I noticed a minor error, the "guestbook" and "links" buttons are a bit to high on the page.
Well over here it happends in Firefox and IE, maybe it's my resolution i have it set to 1600*1200. It's a small bug tho no biggy.
Except the heaven had come so near
so seemed to choose my door
the distance would not haunt me so
I had not hoped, before

but just to hear the grace depart
I never thought to see
affects me with a double loss
'tis lost, and lost to me

RIP ... dt.nl
These questions might have been asked already thousands of times but I will ask 'em anyway :) - what has happened to www.dark-tranquillity.nl? Is this situation permanent? - Should there be any hope the site will be put back online?
It was extremely informative and useful - in fact now I am stuck with razorfever lyrics :( a little bit.
Really hope you will be back online.
I just remembered that the lyrics posted there were mostly my editing... I'll see what I can do to retrieve the files. Maybe Nt2N could host them on his site?

with a 3 in my nickname, all right ;)

actually I did write down all lyirics and italian translations for DT, so not sure if I need it, but no problem for hosting..

hope to find some time to complete the new version of my website
with a 3 in my nickname, all right ;)

Right after I started typing I realized I couldn't very well remember the position of all the n's and t's and numbers and whatnot in your nickname. Either it serves me well for being close to 31, or it serves you well for not having an alias such as, I don't know, John or something. ;)

I'll check the depths of my hard drive, will let you know. Thanks for the (possible) hosting.