X-Patterning Cabs...

you get the sounds of both speakers combined

for instance with a bogner uberkab you get the thick midrange, and warmth of the v30's combined with the clarity of the gt75's...i have a very similar eminence setup in both my 4x12's, and the sound is just massive and clear
I have tried a couple different combos in my VHT 412.

Currently it's sporting two Eminence P50Es and two Celestion G12T75s. I've tried P50Es with Emi Govs, and I've tried G12T75s with the Govs.

So far none of the combos work as good as just four P50Es. I absolutely LOVE those speakers, and those speakers love SM57s, lol. Those speakers record so beautifully.

Even if I were running a Marshall or Mesa cab, I'd still have the P50Es in them.

Cobra : Those Govs are working out for ya' then? Did you ever stick those extra labels back on them? :)
stringy_ said:
Cobra : Those Govs are working out for ya' then? Did you ever stick those extra labels back on them? :)

yeah man,
i've decided to basically go with v30's for recording, but i LOVE the mix of 75's and governers live...i never did put those labels on either, should i ever decide to sell the cab or speakers i'll give them to the new owner; but i don't see it going anywhere :heh:

i also just got this cab in today...it sounds simply amazing :kickass: :rock: :kickass:

cobrahead1030 said:
yeah man,
i've decided to basically go with v30's for recording, but i LOVE the mix of 75's and governers live...i never did put those labels on either, should i ever decide to sell the cab or speakers i'll give them to the new owner; but i don't see it going anywhere :heh:

i also just got this cab in today...it sounds simply amazing :kickass: :rock: :kickass:


I should actually throw in my other two Govs into my cab with the 75s and see what it sounds like live. I never really did like the Govs recorded though, too many lower mids that made the track sound too congested with my amp and guitars. I like 75s recorded, but to me it seems like the 75s sound different every day...some day they sound perfect, other days they sound really fizzy.

Oddly enough I've never recorded a V30.

BTW, that's not a pic of your rig is it?
cobrahead1030 said:
having the cab in the x pattern definitely makes recording more difficult, a lot of it has to do with the fact that when you're only miking one speaker you're gonna hear a very different sound in the room than the mic is picking up

for example, with a v30/gt75 x pattern if you're miking the v30; you're likely to find yourself wanting more highs and less mids to get a good recorded sound than you'd wanna hear in the room...because the mic isn't picking up the added highs, and lack of mids from the gt75

then you add the fact that the gt75 will effect the recorded tone of the v30, even when only the v30 is miked, and how the mic colors the tone further...it can lead to some real headache sometime

Have you tried mic'ing one of each, either to separate tracks or summed? I'm not suggesting that should be an improvement, just wondering if it made things better or worse.
iekobrid said:
Have you tried mic'ing one of each, either to separate tracks or summed? I'm not suggesting that should be an improvement, just wondering if it made things better or worse.

i've tried that, and it's not really better or worse...but trying to place the mics properly on both speakers just further complicates things

after months of struggling with that whenever i had time to kill in the studio, i picked up on the clayman sound thread here and the 'nordstrom' mic technique...within a few days i found it MUCH easier to get a tone i was happy with using two mics on the same speaker (with either one of the speakers in my cab)
stringy_ said:
I should actually throw in my other two Govs into my cab with the 75s and see what it sounds like live. I never really did like the Govs recorded though, too many lower mids that made the track sound too congested with my amp and guitars. I like 75s recorded, but to me it seems like the 75s sound different every day...some day they sound perfect, other days they sound really fizzy.

Oddly enough I've never recorded a V30.

BTW, that's not a pic of your rig is it?

i've never recorded a v30 either, but from the clips i've heard they seem to work well with most anything...so if i'm struggling to get a good tone, i can rule out speakers as the culprit

that pic is the rig i'm using @ home currently, the 2x12 is gonna be a permanent home/studio cab

those governers are in that marshall cab in the pic i posted earlier