X50 Betatest


Austrian Blech Machine
Aug 21, 2009
Vienna, Austria
Cheers guys,

Onqel asked me to do a test with the X50 (betaversion, it's not finished - he's still works on it :D. it's also only the leadchannel for now)

All the guitars are the X50beta, as well as the grind on the "bass".

Drums are the same as always, SD2 with samples (LSD and Slate)
Bass still just pitched guitar

Again a "song" on B-Standard, since it's the guitar with the "freshest" strings, although they arent exatly new.
I wasnt very creative these days, so the riffs turned out quite generic.

Onqel did an awesome job with this, it's my favorite to plug and play allready :lol:
It also sounds great in a mix I think...although with quadtracking and eq some 5150 character got lost *doh*
you have to wait like the rest, and it doesn't help that you are calling me ongel :p (it's on Q el)
Sounds solid, a little flat maybe, betraying its impulse heritage. How's it compare to 8505?

This sounds like something Erik would get a fair bit of use out of.

I wonder if you ran that ampsim through a 6505's poweramp and mic'ed up the cab, would that problem go away? Kind of takes the point of amp sims away, but it's something I've been thinking about lately.
You are getting much better sound than I was able to when I tested it... The problem, is as Ermz said, it's a bit flat sounding ampsim. But I'm loving the tone you got!
Onqel: is this a different version than the one I have? Sounds much better!
You are getting much better sound than I was able to when I tested it... The problem, is as Ermz said, it's a bit flat sounding ampsim. But I'm loving the tone you got!
Onqel: is this a different version than the one I have? Sounds much better!

This version is a month old :p I sent you a PM about it, but I don't know if you downloaded it or not ;)

Mago's got a great sound out of it for what it is, a test version :D
(But the final product might sound flat too, and that's what I'm trying to avoid now)
Thanks guys, glad you like it :)
I used s-preshigh with gregs beta impulse blended in about half as loud as s-preshigh

Ermin and Erik are right, it doesnt sound that much "3D" but tbh I don't mind it that much as I love the gnarl it has :D
Maybe also not having a real bass at hand doesn't help to make it sounds huge too.
Anyway, I'm allready keen to hear a what will be going on with the final version Onqel hahaha

@ Ermin:
It sounds more 5150 to me than the 8505...I always had a hard time using that plugin, it never made it into one of my mixes because I always switched to SoloC, X30 or Le456...never managed to get a decent tone out of it, dunno why....kind of strange since I have heared good tones coming from the 8505 *shrug*
it's just not for me I guess.
Oh, and also: I tried 2 tracks of X50 and 2 of LeCto, which was really nice too, they blend quite well.
Whenever there's the final versions of those 2 I think I'll have to spend some time experimenting with combinations :lol: