XBox or PS-2?


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
I know this is something of a contentious subject for some people, but here's the deal:

We're getting one of these systems - so far we're leaning towards the XBox (I think it looks nicer:p).

The games we like playing? Me: RPGs, shoot-em-ups, driving games, god games.

The wife: shoot-em-ups, driving games, and she wants to play the LOTR games :)

Which would be better? Please explain your reasons :D
PS2, far more expansive library. Especially when it comes to RPG's. All the LOTR games also play best on PS2. As for driving games Mark, 3 words...Gran Turismo 4. The all out god of driving games should be out this summer. Plus excluseive titles like Final Fantasy and Grand Theft Auto should satisfy your RPG and shoot em up/driving game needs:p

Xbox just has it up on PS2 with Halo, which is the only reason I probably still have my Xbox. PS2 just has a much more solid library with a lot more vareity in games.
Your right about that, Doom 3 is coming out on Xbox in October. But than again its also available for PC and I wouldnt consier Doom 3 and Xbox system seller, Halo maybe :p.

No Doom 3 for PS2 though, PS2 lacks in the first-person shooter department I have to admit. Xbox has it up on that.
There is no way D3 would play on my PC, though...

Mind you, I *am* thinking of getting a new vid card around August. :)
I'll let more people put their input, but if your after Doom 3, I think the owner of UM needs to update the computer anyway :p.
I'd say xBox, purely for Deus Ex 2, Doom 3, Half-Life 2 and Halo 2.

xBox FPS > PS2 FPS.

Also, a large majority of PS2 games seem to be piss poor, just there's more of them. Saying that there's a larger library of games for PS2 is true, but thats no good if most of the games available are pure wankery.

PS2 is home to the FF series though, so I suppose thats an advantage. That said, I do have a weakness for crappy Japanese RPGs.
Personally I have an x-box and I sold my ps2, I'm a fps whore so that's why I've sticken to x-box. For racing games, There is the project gotham series which kick major ass.

But we have to admit that ps2 has a lot of great games(and a lot more) and there is the final fantasy series
I don't know, I think the PS2 is going being replaced soon, and the Xbox has better graphics and is probably better for FPS. But you won't go wrong which ever you choose :)
First off, a system is only as good as its games. End of story. Yes, Xbox has better graphics, has four controller ports out of the box, has a hard drive, has HD support, etc. but that's all a bunch of bullshit. Games are what matter.

So it really comes down to what games do you want to play? Cross-platform games are moot here, since you can get them on anything.

For games, PS2 reigns. The Gran Turismo series, the Final Fantasy series, the Jak and Daxter games, the Ratchet and Clank games, the Metal Gear Solid series, (although, yes, MGS has been ported, but quite a bit after its initial release) Virtua Fighter 4, SOCOM: U.S. Navy Seals, and a slew of others.

Now, that's not to discount Xbox. It does have a good group of great games. Shenmue II, Dead or Alive 3, Ninja Gaiden, MechAssault, Project Gotham, the list goes on. And coming to the Xbox are some awesome looking games such as Fable.

One system though, you can NOT count out, is GameCube. All you bitches can whine about how kiddy it is, but in reality you've all got a massive inferiority complex. GameCube rules just simply for one thing: Nintendo's games. You can't deny Nintendo are genius game makers. And the Resident Evil series is continuing in full force on GameCube. Those two things right there are worth the price if you ask me.

(If you wonder why I didn't mention any FPSs when talking about Xbox, its because FPSs suck on consoles. End. :p )
any game system is good to be honest, theres great games on every system. if i had to rank them though id say

1. PS2
2. GC (agreed with the master, nintendo are genius game makers imo)
3. Xbox

and oh yeah, PC's are the obvious undisputed kings of FPS's, hands down. (interestingly enough the N64 was an amazing FPS system as well....)
If all your after is console FPS, than yes, XBox is the way to go. But like The Master noted, the inummerable amount of exclusive titles on Ps2 gives it a big advantage. Not to mention PS2 has the most third party support of any of the systems, thats where GC falls into last and only is really surviving by its RE franchise and Nintendo's always top of the line first-party titles.

If your really a huge FPS fan and can't do the PC thing, than Xbox is easily the best FPS console system. PS2 just has the most support game wise overall and though, as tanith mentioned, there are a lot of junk titles, they are way overshadowed by amazing titles like Metal Gear, Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo, and Grand Theft Auto.
The most important suggestion not said: IF you don't already have a bunch of PS1 or PS2 games, get the better system. xbox.

Either that or wait for xbox2. The next Sony console will only be a PS2 with media center updates. Graphics will not be improved. Sony has given up.

Splinter Cell, KOTOR, Enter the Matrix, Halo and Turok are all excellent games, and all of the newer titles that are yet to be released are going to make the PS2 so dated. It's not a tough choice, IMO.
Tanith said:
I second that, Ill second that for Turok as well :p.

Is xbox2 rumored to be backwards compatible at all? out of curiousity,

I say with xbox your missing out on some great games like Gran Turismo, Metal Gear Solid 3 and Final Fantasy. I really think you win with either of them, but if I could only have one system (I own all three) id take my ps2.
I would recommend PS2 way above XBOX. The hard drive is a gimmick and nothing special to me. PS2 has all the driving games you need. Gran Turismo, and if you really want something else (which won't happen for a long fuckign time) then maybe Midnight Club, but GT is by far the best. As for RPG's, an old copy of Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance is a lot of fun, and 2 player :) along with a venture into somethign different like Gauntlet (still felt better on N64, but more levels). As for shoot-em-ups, i'm not really sure. I don't play them enough.
The Simpsons games are a plus too :)
xbox 2 will not be backwards compatible with the original xbox. Microsoft contemplated it, but the video architecture is going to be very different.

The racing games I've played on xbox are pretty damned good... the PS2 has more titles, though it's been out longer, and the dated graphics tend to show.