Yan's Thank You List

* First and foremost: All of you that bought our cd this weekend; I can't thank you enough! It was a TOTAL pleasure meeting each and everyone of you.
* Glenn, of course.
* Shane; you did one hell of a job with the pre party, and with the main show as well.
* The entire Progpower crew including the security guys. How often do you go to shows and the security guys are total jerks; not here, all of these guys are beyond cool and they still do the job they're supposed to.
* Outworld guys; Bobby, Rusty, Kelly and the rest are super cool guys and it was great finally meeting you and seeing you play.
* Eric Halpern from Helstar and Krucible; it was nice to finally meet you after all those emails. Thanks for jamming with us during that impromptu acoustic set Lance and I did. (By the way, if anyone has any photos, PLEASE post them, thanks)
* Wolfgang and Benno from Dreamscape: I enjoyed bumping into you guys on occasion and joking around.
* David and Uwe from PC 69: Great hangin' with you and AWESOME set!
* All of the guys from Orphaned Land; you guys are beyond impressive.
* Mats from Circus Maximus; I meant every word I said to you; you guys are so good it makes me sick ;-)
* Claus, Lars, Manticora and the rest of the Intromental gang that was there: We didn't hang out enough!
* Fran and Esa (the official photographers) it was nice meeting and chatting with you.
* All of the vendors especially Eric and the gang at the Century Media table.

I know I forgot a bunch of people and I'm sorry. This was a truly memorable weekend and I will cherish it always.
See all of you next year!

Yan :rock:
Hey Yan,

It was a pleasure to meet you and Lance at the Nightmare Records booth. Thanks for all of the info that you gave regarding Avian (how much time it took you, working with Dave from Megadeth, and going through your artwork ideas). Very insightful info. I did get to hear the new Avian on the flight home. Great music man!


Ian Ringler
Section 16
Magnitude 9
Section16 said:
Hey Yan,

It was a pleasure to meet you and Lance at the Nightmare Records booth. Thanks for all of the info that you gave regarding Avian (how much time it took you, working with Dave from Megadeth, and going through your artwork ideas). Very insightful info. I did get to hear the new Avian on the flight home. Great music man!


Ian Ringler
Section 16
Magnitude 9

Cool, thanks man. It was nice chatting with you and the guys and I'm glad I was able to help. If you ever have anything you'd like to ask me please feel free to drop me an email: yan@avianband.com
I wish you guys the very best!

I am very sorry that I missed the acoustic set with Lance. Lance is one of my all time favorite singers, he is also too nice especially when I couldnt decide which shirt I wanted and it took like 20 mins, lol. I did pick up the album, it rocks!!
AvianGuitarist said:
* First and foremost: All of you that bought our cd this weekend; I can't thank you enough! It was a TOTAL pleasure meeting each and everyone of you.
* Glenn, of course.
* Shane; you did one hell of a job with the pre party, and with the main show as well.
* The entire Progpower crew including the security guys. How often do you go to shows and the security guys are total jerks; not here, all of these guys are beyond cool and they still do the job they're supposed to.
* Outworld guys; Bobby, Rusty, Kelly and the rest are super cool guys and it was great finally meeting you and seeing you play.
* Eric Halpern from Helstar and Krucible; it was nice to finally meet you after all those emails. Thanks for jamming with us during that impromptu acoustic set Lance and I did. (By the way, if anyone has any photos, PLEASE post them, thanks)
* Wolfgang and Benno from Dreamscape: I enjoyed bumping into you guys on occasion and joking around.
* David and Uwe from PC 69: Great hangin' with you and AWESOME set!
* All of the guys from Orphaned Land; you guys are beyond impressive.
* Mats from Circus Maximus; I meant every word I said to you; you guys are so good it makes me sick ;-)
* Claus, Lars, Manticora and the rest of the Intromental gang that was there: We didn't hang out enough!
* Fran and Esa (the official photographers) it was nice meeting and chatting with you.
* All of the vendors especially Eric and the gang at the Century Media table.

I know I forgot a bunch of people and I'm sorry. This was a truly memorable weekend and I will cherish it always.
See all of you next year!

Yan :rock:

Thank you my brutha. We shall hang again soon!!!!!!!!!!!
AvianGuitarist said:
Thank you for checking it out ;-) If you took pix, please post them.


These are crappy cell phone pics, I know a couple other folks took some too.


Emerald Sword said:
Hello, Yan. I loved the Avian disc as I knew I would. Please tell Lance I STILL think he looks like Ted. He'll know what I mean. Thanx! Rock on, my friend!

Cool! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I heard you shout that out to him and asked him why he called you Ted? He said that you think that he looks like Ted Nugent; I can see a bit of a resemblance.

Thank you so much for those pix yippee; I certainly appreciate it. :worship: