Yasser Arafat RIP

NoLordy Capone said:
Because Israel is a terrorist nation and the US backs them?
Pretty much.

I used to fully support the PLO but now I know both sides are full of a-holes. One side just has millions of dollars, and tanks, and guns, and the biggest country in the world backing them and... oh I guess it is a bit lopsided.

One Inch Man said:
Pretty much.

I used to fully support the PLO but now I know both sides are full of a-holes. One side just has millions of dollars, and tanks, and guns, and the biggest country in the world backing them and... oh I guess it is a bit lopsided.


I agree, both sides are a-holes and I dont really give a fuck about either of them...
But I don't really get where all the support for the Palestinian cause comes from. History is full of people losing their land, getting invaded and so on... Why are the palestinians so special?
IOfTheStorm said:
A hero and a pain in every jewish ass.
Just out of curiosity, what's heroic about killing woman and children? While I have no problem with people accusing Israel of anything they'd like to accuse Israel of, calling Arafat a hero is fairly mindless.

Why? He was a figurehead of the Palestinian movement. Good or bad, that's hero enough to a lot of people.
One Inch Man said:
Why? He was a figurehead of the Palestinian movement. Good or bad, that's hero enough to a lot of people.
While his positioned softened later in his life, at least publicly, he was a terrorist any way you slice it. Now I know not everyone around here is a big fan of Israel, but that doesn't change the facts.

Google Arafat and Damour when you have some time.

I think that the word "terrorist" totally lost its definition in the last 10 years. In the real meaning of the word, Arafat didnt bring terror. If he did, he just supported violence (in his youth), the violence some people need to have freedom. Fighting a country (?) a lot stronger than his nation and unifying the Palestinians.
And what more do you want for a man to call him a hero: Ariel Sharon calls him a terrorist.
Interestingly enough a fellow grad student of mine is a 45 year old Palestinian working on his Phd. He hates Arafat, and was glad to see him die. WHy, because not only did he embezzle money, but he did nothing to help the Palestinian people, as millions still live in refugee camps etc. Apparently during the last election 4 or 5 years ago, the Israeli's and Americans decided Arafat was the best option to stay in power, so they "assisted him" in winning the election. During the last 4 years of course, this became a horrible mistake, as Arafat could not be trusted.

So, it appears we Americans are horribly misinformed once again.
If Arafat is a hero, then so is Ariel Sharon.

Death was too kind to Arafat, hopefully it won't be to Sharon.
Sharons kind of between a rock and a hard place. If he pulls the rug finally from the settlers, they will probably kill him, and his party would lose its political base, if he settles with the Palestinians, he is screwed, becuase no one is in control- and Arafat was a crook who couldnt be trusted. Maybe the new PLO leader will be trustworthy, who knows?
IOfTheStorm said:
I think that the word "terrorist" totally lost its definition in the last 10 years.
I agree with this. It can be argues that the area between terrorist and freedom fighter is quite gray.

IOfTheStorm said:
In the real meaning of the word, Arafat didnt bring terror. If he did, he just supported violence (in his youth), the violence some people need to have freedom.
I would disagree. I would argue Arafat has more than his share if innocent blood on his hands. It could be further argued that some of that blood is Palestinian blood.

IOfTheStorm said:
And what more do you want for a man to call him a hero: Ariel Sharon calls him a terrorist.
Well, I'd like him to do something heroic. Many believe that Israel had offered Arafat 90% of what he asked for in 2000, but he chose not to accept it out of pure arrogance.
