peaceville bought our entire backcatalogue incl dods, so the entire katatonia discography is now in the hands of peaceville, a better home at least.
but what was said above is not true at all. black lodge illegally released dods indeed, but not only that one, the debut albums from marduk and dissection (and probably all the others as well) ....
from marduks website:
June 1st 2005
It has been known to us that Black lodge/ Sound pollution or whatever they like to call themselves are going to re issue the classic Marduk "Dark Endless" album without owning the copyright or anything whatsoever regarding that album.Therfore Blooddawn have decided to re issue it by themselves to avoid having a bootleg version being released by Black lodge.
dissection also gained back the rights for their two albums and re-released them on their own label.
and for yer information, black lodge is nothing but a pathetic incarnation of the rotten limbs of no fashion.