Yeah I'd say I had a pretty fucking metal night..


Nov 1, 2001
Fuck, first off I should have a price for even posting so early, it's 12:08 and I got to bed like one and a half hour ago but here goes anyway.
Yeah so yesterday in Gothenburg I was so restless, walking the streets with nothing to do. Well ah I asked all metalheads yo bro where can I go and they all say Belzepub, a place here for all metalheads. I go there and goddamn it's FULL of metalheads! Mörk Gryning were playing if I remember correctly. Obviously I was drunk already but not drunk enough to not have a few conversations with ah Sharlee D'angelo who wasn't bisexual after all (pheeew), the Dark Tranquillity guys and at least 3-4 girls who of course didn't fall for me ah but I'm a Danish drunk so that's obvious. Yeah I was wearing my POLSKA shirt so everyone asked me if I was from there, goddamn the place was fulll of Polacks trying to talk Polish with me the man, but I explained that I was Danish so chill. Later I met my friuend Ola from Soilwork. Back to that later. Chilled out with some blonde dude who wasn't as macho as me but a great guy. We then speak about Amon Amarth and VOILA, he's the man I've been posting wit hthe last few months! haha. awesome dude, we're gonna meet up. Got back to Ola who sat with a few others, I was so damn drunk I couldn't see but I tried to talk Swedish and Ola goes naah they're all Ynaks. OH MY FUCKING GOD it was the entire Nevermore crew who's been playiong there. I swear I couldnt believe my eyes. And the best thing? Warrel was the brother I never had., he was so damn chill totally American and we spoke about everything,. I told hjim myu AIDS Rodea sex jokes and what not and he came wih his. told him about me moving to new orlweasn too, oh great river! he boughbt me absinthe which was fuicken 68% so i gbot even more emotional that night., e he also hjated billy milano. Man i should chill out. already before I drank tewquila, 5 beers and opf course this fucking absinthe.overall we hung out for a long period of time that night and i stripped and exsplainmed my future in playgirl, he'll get a free copy you'll see. they had to heed back cause they were gonna polay in play in OSLO but i huggewd them all cause tghey were so great to me and it will be remembered FOREVERMORE!
CALL it Uncle Patric's Playground haha fuck I've had too much coffee. Lemme bring you my metal dawgs to TEX the best metal bar in Copenhagen...I left my virginity there but that's a different story altogether.
Ah well...still nice to have all bro's gathered in one place, huh? Gothenburg can be confusing a friday night cause there's so many metal bars.
Hahahah nah it's cool Meshell, I'm on different thoughts now (I'm an impulsive motherfucker)...I'll be finding a place to live in Denmark now instead, that's where my heart is!
I guess it's cause it's so full of various chemicals...but it's dumb though, not like people commit murder when they're on's pretty dumb althogether that we don't allow RB or Absinthe since smoking hashish has been almost legal here for 28 years or so.

Hahah well of course we dance around the tree after too many DK beers and Aquavit (Danish vodka) but the SWEDES mock us because we eat GOOSE at Xmas what's so wrong with that?
Well, I remember when I was over in that region it was banned because some people would mix it with Vodka (or other liquor--classic euro drink) and then few actually died because of the mixture of chemicals and Alcohol. It is fucking good tho, one of my favorite mixtures. Just to bad some asshole had to go and die.
Patric said:
Hahah well of course we dance around the tree after too many DK beers and Aquavit (Danish vodka) but the SWEDES mock us because we eat GOOSE at Xmas what's so wrong with that?
HAHAHAHA that is so fucking funny, my dad used to try and make us do that shit when we were young because I guess it was my grandparents tradition carried over here from Denmark. I just wanted to open my god damn presents tho...It was always when my dad was smashed, haha, well whats new? He is always smashed...a true Dane, indeed!

Goose is pretty tasty, just like chick-n'...I had duck before which kinda sucked, cause they are so cute and always fly around here and shit on campus. I am just going to stick to chicken. However, there is nothing like a good ol' Swedish Meatball! hehe

Hahahahh, my deepest hailz to yer dad for bringing on the Dane traditions to the new country...that's kinda like me, picking fights with dumb Swedes cause they believe Pedophiles/child killers should only have on year of professional help and then be let loose...cause..we are red/we are white/we are Danish dynamite...fucking oath!

HEY, if you and the Vehemence boyz come to DK I'll serve Smörrebröd, another Danish thing that is dark bread with salted swine fat (not butter) and roastbeef, remoulade, roasted onion etc. etc. on it. Ah Swedish meatballs are bad ass but I preffer frikadeller, it's a Danish meatball that is three times the size!
Of course, them damn Finns have 5,5% alch in their blood and Wodka is indeed a part of their folk spirit! But they don't know the beer, no Scandinavians does except the Danes. Hey you guys get Absolute over there don't you?
Oh fuck yeah, but I ony drink Grey Goose and Finlandia....only the best for me, thank you. Kosken Korva Viina was the shit I wish I brought few bottles back with me. I do have a 6 pack of KARHU that I brought back from Finland, some of the best beer in the world!

CHECK OUT Thor's Pilsner, Carlsberg, Tuborg I know it's sold over there damn good beer from my own country. Yeah I'm not experienced with Finnish vodka actually, I just drink the Swedish stuff or whatever really cheap Russian imported such as Petrus. WHISKEY IS WHERE IT'S AT!!!