yeah rock that I gotass

I'v e been sdirinking since 2 pom. I' went to california brewwery in alhqambra where climb thar hill and I reunited with a cohuple friend at calirforiania brewery. After we had afour selves a AStein, we went aske the cute vietnamese waitress who was asking for a viet kong gang bang if we can have a couple morwe pints. She oblige, rejected my buddy who asked her out on a dated, and ghne we left and shitto ole shit.; Big poppa pump is your jook up, holla if ye hear me. Afterwards we went to a burger joint ran by a big fat faggot homoesexual, had a couple pitchers and called in a session. Not to be done, we then treaded onwatrd to best buy to look for arrested developmesnt season 3 and some stereo connectors, all of which don't fucking work. Oh fucking well i'll worry about it tmrw. As the night progressed we went to a bowling alley and had new castles until the son doesnt shine no mote. Fucl fas!!! Anyhow I have had a lot of beer, don't really give a fuck, and i' need to fuckinvg do something with thr rest of the night. I dont know what il;; do , but i t should be cool motherfuckers. GFTW. Lizard tyou're the man, so is susperia's boyfriend for bputty up with her lame ass atiitutde. I don;t kjnow. Th ebitch is pretty ugly, but i thinbk i'd bang her. P.S The brewery sucked. New Castle wins again. They had some shitty as belgian ale that tasted like al bundy's socks/. Yabba dabba dooooooooooo
Reign in Acai said:
I'v e been sdirinking since 2 pom. I' went to california brewwery in alhqambra where climb thar hill and I reunited with a cohuple friend at calirforiania brewery. After we had afour selves a AStein, we went aske the cute vietnamese waitress who was asking for a viet kong gang bang if we can have a couple morwe pints. She oblige, rejected my buddy who asked her out on a dated, and ghne we left and shitto ole shit.; Big poppa pump is your jook up, holla if ye hear me. Afterwards we went to a burger joint ran by a big fat faggot homoesexual, had a couple pitchers and called in a session. Not to be done, we then treaded onwatrd to best buy to look for arrested developmesnt season 3 and some stereo connectors, all of which don't fucking work. Oh fucking well i'll worry about it tmrw. As the night progressed we went to a bowling alley and had new castles until the son doesnt shine no mote. Fucl fas!!! Anyhow I have had a lot of beer, don't really give a fuck, and i' need to fuckinvg do something with thr rest of the night. I dont know what il;; do , but i t should be cool motherfuckers. GFTW. Lizard tyou're the man, so is susperia's boyfriend for bputty up with her lame ass atiitutde. I don;t kjnow. Th ebitch is pretty ugly, but i thinbk i'd bang her. P.S The brewery sucked. New Castle wins again. They had some shitty as belgian ale that tasted like al bundy's socks/. Yabba dabba dooooooooooo

susperian is a faggotahth
That picture of here wihen she is wearing that ninety 40's outfit straight out of happy days, turns me on, I'd fucking jizz in her papple juice, and letg her guzzle it liker a train conductor! Fuck yea!!!
Reign in Acai said:
That picture of here wihen she is wearing that ninety 40's outfit straight out of happy days, turns me on, I'd fucking jizz in her papple juice, and letg her guzzle it liker a train conductor! Fuck yea!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Reign in Acai said:
I don;t kjnow. Th ebitch is pretty ugly, but i thinbk i'd bang her.
:lol: x infinity

that entire post is