yeah rock that I gotass

one of the best threads of all time.
too bad NAD wasn't drunk at the same time; we'd-a have to shut RC down fow awhile
Krigloch the Incredible Bulk said:
lol, I spent 75 bux on 20+ shots, 2 irish carbombs, 1 coors.

irish carbombs? whats in that?
heard a few but never drunk one

although when the mainstreet in my town was blown up
me and some mates who worked for the council got some free drink from the destroyed off licence :)
hmmm sounds tasty

I wouldn't go into many bars in belfast and ask for that though
not if you wanted to keep your knees haha

I used to drink pints of dark angel
basically guiness with bushmills
5-6 of those will fuck most people up

baileys is nice though

but you can't whack a GOOD pint of stout
i drank tonnes of guiness in northern ireland, and so did pretty much everyone i stayed and drank with


good stuff either way, and the drinks were fucking cheap!
I love guinness, its just as popular up here
alchohol is even more popular than bigotry here so even though its a dublin brewer you don't really get any political or religious leanings with drinks

but calling a drink an irish car bomb could get your face stoved in
it would be like walking into a fast food place in a republican area and asking for a bobby sands burger (sands was an IRA hungerstriker)

up north here its a bit harder to get a decent pint of guiness
a lot of bars don't know how to do it
lizard said:
So why is guiness or whatever anathema to you Northerners, is it a protestant beverage?

I'd like to visit but I'd also like to avoid a kneecapping :)
it's "probably" not because of the guinness but because of the "carbomb" name you know

EDIT: beaten by seconds
There were other horrors on the news bulletins that same day. The usual litany of almost casual 'every day' violence that blights all areas of this country included the story of a man who went to recover his stolen car and was then attacked by the thief brandishing a sword.