Yeah? We In Seattle Get to See Them First in Line.................


Usurper of the Goat
Jan 19, 2004
Olympia, WA & Dallas, TX
Yeah, I'm excited to see Opeth, they would probably be the first "real" metal show I've been to, even though I listen to an ungodly amount of music. Olympia, however, has a big punk/indie scene, not metal, so what are ya gonna do?

I hear Opeth had toured with Amorphis, that is one show I would have killed to see, they're my favorite band.

Look for me on the 24, confused, and probably the only Indian there.
Not I! I didn't catch the Damnation show though. Oh well, not a TOTAL lost. What city are you from winter-frost?
I'll be there too. I fucking hate graceland. Too small, too hot. I only went one of the shows last year. Missed the Damnation one. I was pissed. I've also got 5 friends coming with me. 4 of them are mainly going to see Devildriver. I like their CD, but Opeth is so much better, they're not even in the same league.
NapalmForLunch said:
You missed the only chance ever to see Mike sing a PT song. Sucker.
PT blew Opeth away that night, though To Bid You Farewell was the highlight of the night. I sure hope Opeth pull out some older songs this time around. I dislike Graceland as well but oh well I guess. The doors open at 7?
Njm said:
I'll be there too. I fucking hate graceland. Too small, too hot. I only went one of the shows last year. Missed the Damnation one. I was pissed. I've also got 5 friends coming with me. 4 of them are mainly going to see Devildriver. I like their CD, but Opeth is so much better, they're not even in the same league.
Man I fuckin love the Graceland! Where else can you get so close to the bands?

I'll be there with about 10 or so of my friends, and like I said I'll be in a Nile shirt with a black beanie w/ a goatee.
NapalmForLunch said:
You missed the only chance ever to see Mike sing a PT song. Sucker.
Yea, I really did want to go to that show, but none of my friends were in town and I didn't feel like going alone.
Funeral Portrait: winter-frost is from WA too, I'm guessing, didn't you see his sig?? Evergreen, baby!

jinks: I meant for the US, don't care about Canada.

I am going to this concert alone. Virtually ALL of my friends are punkers/into the indie scene.

NapalmForLunch, am I right in saying there's not the greatest metal scene in Olympia, or am I not looking in the right places?
It's weird too, because as much as I'm involved in the music scene here, I don't really fit into it. It is nice, though, that a lot of people ask me what to go for if they're trying to get into some metal. And it's not like I'm into the original, straightforward death metal or black metal like Emporor, Mayhem, or Death, either. I'd say I like the progressive metal (amorphis, opeth) symphonic black metal (dimmu borgir) thrash (children of bodom) and the "experimental" death metal (nile, anathema) and for some reason, I'm liking a lot of the newer stuff from Soilwork and In Flames, even though elitists call it crap.

You guys should listen in to me and a friend's of mine's (sp?) local metal/punk radio show that I'm going to try to get in the summer. It's at KAOS.

We need the support, actually.
winter-frost said:
PT blew Opeth away that night, though To Bid You Farewell was the highlight of the night. I sure hope Opeth pull out some older songs this time around. I dislike Graceland as well but oh well I guess. The doors open at 7?
Both bands were great that night but I do think PT was slightly better; they didn't blow Opeth away though. The friend I was with actually thought Opeth blew PT away....go figure. Anyway, I agree with the older songs thing, I hope the setlist is mostly stuff from BP on down and of the heavy variety.