Saw Opeth for the first time in Dubai


Aug 7, 2008
Last night was my first time seeing Opeth, a desire so old it was amazing to fullfill. Sadly it was a festival and the show was not primarily Opeth so I had to wait for 6 shit black metal bands to witness the miracle of Opeth.

It was worth it. They played 6 songs covering the last few albums back to Blackwater Park.
I have waited so long for this I was yelling out every song and just staring in awe at the guys. I was hoping to catch something but Mike didn't throw anything and Axe kept his drum sticks. Fredrik threw his picks but far from where I was sadly. The highlight of the concert for me was when I looked at Mendez and screamed his name out and he looked at me and smiled and the same happened with Fredrik, Per seemed irresponsive to almost anything.
I was in the second row. At then end when they all get together and bow down to the crowd I had a banner with me that said HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I was holding it out for Axe to see but no one noticed it, I was hoping he would.

Someone threw a cap on stage and Mike wore it for a bit then tossed it back into the crowd. He also cracked a couple of jokes which was good :D


Heir Apparent
Ghost of Perdition
The Lotus Eater
The Leper Affinity

Opeth dominated, masterful performance.

The bands that were playing were ordered as follows:

Scarab (Egypt)
Hatred (Germany)
Nervecell (Dubai)
August Burns Red (PA, U.S.A.)
Chimaira (OH, U.S.A.)
Arch Enemy

The last three bands were worth hanging through 7 hours of shit black metal which I grew to even hate more, the all sound the fucking same.

Angel Gossow was on fire, Arch Enemy played a much longer set than Opeth's. Motorhead were amazing, Lemmy was pretty funny and energetic, I'm glad they played Killed By Death!

I caught Lemmy's pick and Mikkey Dee's drum Stick, my brother caught Roger's guitar picks and my cousin did too.

Amazing night, great time with my brother, saw Opeth live, I'm a very happy individual and I want to see them again, hopefully in an Opeth concert.
i must have been if I knew what they played....
plenty of good bands played. really liked arch enemy and motorhead of course. i still cant speak properly.
I meant where on the concert grounds, I might have seen you or something. I was second row right infront of Mike. Did you get any Merchandise?
Oh man i had the same feeling when i first saw them its like a dream came true. Please come back again Opeth.
That sounds awesome! Too bad you only got to hear them play 6 songs and not a full set, but I guess that's great as well. In general, it sounds like a neat festival :)
At one festival I saw them at, they only played three songs :waah:

Then again, I'm seeing them in May for, I think, the seventh time :)

Some people are just too lucky :(
On the other hand, Nevermore has just announced they'll perform here in July, so that's somewhat of a compensation :)
i got 2 cds signed by opeth
they even signed the t shirt
got a picture taken from them
the pic turned out shite

Fredrik Åkesson gave me a arch enemy guitar pick
maybe it of him when he was in the band
there is a signature which is hard to know whose pick is it anyway

mike and the rest of the gang were very cool during the greet and meet
the security or the ppl incharge were suckers