YES! I am happy :) :)


Aug 30, 2001
New Shpongle samples!!! Less than a month away from Ineffable Mysteries from Shpongleland!!!

Multiple samples from the new album are in the player. They sound beyond amazing! :kickass:

And an updated cover with the title:


Holy shit... "Nothing Is Something Worth Doing" made me orgasm.
Ineffable though it is, I'm glad they tried to express it anyway.


They always have the perfect song and album titles. How do you name an album that you can't describe? Just like they did :)

Interestingly enough, their second album is called "Tales of the Inexpressible".

On a particular camping trip years ago, under such circumstances one of my friends who'd never much paid attention to Shpongle before, randomly said out of nowhere as Nothing Lasts was playing, "I think I finally get it!"

That was a monumental moment.
Shpongle is awesome, but I've always needed to be in a very specific sort of mood to fully enjoy and appreciate the genius of it. I haven't quite figured out what that mood is exactly, but I'll get back to you guys on it. I know it involves 4am in the morning and another element that includes an excessively clean environment. I feel very undeserving of listening to shpongle on one of my lethargic and less hygienic days where I sit around. Shpongle instills some awesome energy inside me too after a listening session, but I feel that I must use it on something and I often never figure out on what or how...

Yes, the journey with Shpongle is a strange and beautiful one for me. It's nice.