yet another tone thread


New Metal Member
Apr 5, 2006
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Ok. So I've had 1 exam today and got the note from another exam and I passed both so I figured I deserved some time off from medicine.

I am trying to get a tone. I've tried some programs and this is the best I got so far, though I still don't quite like it.


(Ibanez rg7421 > presonus firebox) > TSS > SoloC (2off-pres5+1on-pres5) > EQ (HP 80Hz + LP 11.5kHz)


Things to correct:
1) I can't help the damn LOWS of my B string blowing everyone's years, I just don't know how to deal with that.
2) Sounds kind of middy or fizzy, I don't know.

I am I crazy if I say I believe that the sound as I play is slightly different than the one recorded? The one from the clip seems fizzier, middler (?), and lower than the one I hear when I play.

Another thing, are those HP/LP filters set propery? Because the ecualizer has 4 stack options and I don't know how much I am supposed to cut
Hey man, your settings seem a bit weird to me... Especially on the Full stack.. I'd say you should use the Overdrive channel,with Drive option,raise the bass up to 6-7, and raise the Power Amp all the way up. As I can see,you try to do the Fredman technique with impulses.. If so, you can use the "s-pres5.wav" as a single impulse (because it's the on and off axis position mixed) or use the two impulses you want but use them in the "Blend" mode and not in the "Independent" one, so they're linked together and adjust their volume (when raising one the other goes down..). Another thought is that you can use the LePou Preamp as a tubescreamer (Dandellium's awesome idea). Check those things and see if they're useful for you. Post new clips so we can listen
Hey, thanks for replying!. I tried what you said and it does sound better, but I still find it very middly and too "dirty" (I don't know how to describe it), plus I can't get rid of how boomy my 7th string is sounding (that's the reason why I try to keep bass low, but it does not seem to help the problem :/). Doesn't it sound WAY boomy to you too? Maybe it's my speakers (I don't have monitors, just some Edifier). Here's the test with your settings and a new screenshot test mp3.mp3

ps: sorry about the sloppy playing. I recorded that track with no click or anything just to try the tone.
ps2: now I compare it to the other ones I posted it sounds WAY better, thanks again, I thinking I am getting closer to the tone I would like to get.
The new clip you posted is much much better. I suggest you should try to use the following settings on the LePou Preamp. Input 2, Clean mode in Normal channel, Crunch 2 and everything else leave it to 4-5 (all numbers are actual settings and not o'clock). On the Fullstack,you should lower the gain because that's where the dirt comes from and raise the bass a bit. If you have trouble with bass use a multiband comressor or try the cut that Dodo suggests. You can also try 7170,8580,Wagner,Preampus to see what suits the sound you're after.
Thanks for the tips. I am quite new to compressing (well, I am new to everything as may have guessed :p). I know something about compressors but I don't get how I should use a multiband compressor for this. How should I proceed?
I am back. I passed all my (fist) exams so I have some free time.

I used a multiband compression as you and Dod suggested and I was able to get rid of the abusive bass.

To make it a little funnier I made a little clip with drums (Superior drummer 2 + metal foundry) and "bass"* and 2 guitar tracks from a song by Submission: - Darkened Eyes( + bass + mix2 + L2 + mp3).mp3

* I recorded the bass lines with my guitar and pitch-shifted it, then used the tips posted in here:

Guitars settings:



Guys, I don't know how to thank you, but hell I think my tone has improved and I've learned a lot! I think my tone still needs some work, but I am quite happy with that already. I guess I don't need to get THE tone with one guitar track because everything sounds better when there's at least 2 guitar tracks with some different settings. I may be wrong, though.