(yet another) What do you think of UM?


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
I'm always trying to find ways of improving UM, particularly in ways that users like. To do that, I like to know what you LIKE about the site (so I can be sure to keep those aspects growing), and what you DON'T like about the site, so I can work on those areas.

So, spill you guts - be honest. I appreciate your input :)

I had a couple of thoughts recently - I know I mentioned a seperate non-metal reviews section for stuff that doesn't fit easily (or, indeed, at all) under the metal label (but still isn't pop!), and I also thought how about a metal related reviews section for other media than CD - i.e, reviews of metal DVDs, videos and books?
I would prefer to stick just with the metal side of things (hate to turn into another Kerrang;)), but your other idea - reviews of DVDs etc - is easily workable. Just let me know when you write the reviews, and we'll make the section for it ;)
Originally posted by dill_the_devil
I had a couple of thoughts recently - I know I mentioned a seperate non-metal reviews section for stuff that doesn't fit easily (or, indeed, at all) under the metal label (but still isn't pop!), and I also thought how about a metal related reviews section for other media than CD - i.e, reviews of metal DVDs, videos and books?

I said that too! :p :bah: I was thinking stuff like EBM, goth, post rock kinda stuff, cos most of the people that post here listen to that as well! :rolleyes: But Marky boy said no :cry: :cry:;)
Great Site!!!

Some sort of AOL IM type feature within the forum would be neat - if you could somehow send a live IM to chat with a particular person, as opposed to having to enter the IRC chat, or send a personal message. The only thing, though, is you'd have to have the ability as an individual to turn this feature off/on to respect your privacy.

A lot of threads have these "live chats" that go on for a bit, and just fill up space - you can see by the exponential growth in the Opeth form.
Originally posted by dill_the_devil
Mark's got a fair point though - after all, Kerrang is pretty damned awful. :)
I could use this as a chance to plug my site, except I haven't actually written any non-metal reviews as yet...
Ah, what the hell, I'll do it anyway - http://www.geocities.com/philwhitehouse

Yeah, I wasn't thinking maintream tho - more underground stuff which still has musical integrity, so its not like it would be pop or nething :p Oh well :rolleyes: ;)

I can write yousome non metal reviews! :D When I've finished doing the metal ones and revising for goddamn modules in january :mad:
These forums rock! Really the best on the net, way better than the ezboard-shit!
My only complaint: you shouldn't get the Email notification checked, eometimes I forget to uncross it and I turn up with 10 e-mais I don't want.
And maybe this one: could it be possible if you get a signature that the signature appears on all your post, even the ones where you didn't had a signature?

Keep up the good work!
Originally posted by humus666
These forums rock! Really the best on the net, way better than the ezboard-shit!
My only complaint: you shouldn't get the Email notification checked, eometimes I forget to uncross it and I turn up with 10 e-mais I don't want.
And maybe this one: could it be possible if you get a signature that the signature appears on all your post, even the ones where you didn't had a signature?

Keep up the good work!

Have a look in your options - there's a setting where you probably have it set to send you email notification on default. Turn it off, and the box won't be checked :)
Have a look in your options - there's a setting where you probably have it set to send you email notification on default. Turn it off, and the box won't be checked

Thanks man, atleast now I don't get 10 mails a day because I forget to uncheck it:p